Friday, June 1, 2012

Friday, June 1, 2012

He Looked Beyond My Faults and Saw My Needs

God on the Mountain

What a day! Today was the first day of a 2-day "estate/garage/whatever" sale we participated in to try to sell stuff for our friend Debbi who moved back to Virginia after being laid off last December. Lots of collector plates (Kinkade and others), Avon Cape Cod red glassware, Neiman Marcus and Hallmark Christmas ornaments, and other stuff. NOTHING was selling. And to top it off, some dang shopper stole my silver belt buckle and my bronze and gold belt buckle. I had them marked for rock bottom price, but no, whoever it was just wanted to be a thief.

Got a call from the vet earlier this week -- Maggie definitely has a fungus set in at the site of where the BioSpot was applied. So, it's medicated baths for her along with a new/different med to fight the fungus. She reports back to Dr. Gumfory on the 7th.

It's been an up and down week for Ken. He had a wonderful job opportunity which would have been full time, and he just about sealed the deal. I told him my opinion of it after sleeping on it overnight. The job only paid $13 per hour, was a very long way from where we live through LOTS of traffic and construction, etc., and I know he would have been totally frustrated within a week. I just didn't think it was a good idea for him to put himself in that situation. He ended up saying no to the job and the recruiter says they will keep him in mind for other positions. I hope so, but the goal is not to find something that is going to be a stressor. Need to find something that will fulfill, not kill!!

Then he had another opportunity come along, but the one thing we've learned thru Texas Workforce is to do thorough searches on companies. Turns out this place, Bright Labs, has LOTS of complaints against it. It is one of those places that provides teeth whitening veneers, etc. Seems they've been accepting orders and upfront money and not providing a product. The whole thing was just a bit shady and the last thing Ken needs to do is get himself into a mess! So, I talked him out of that one -- the whole thing sounded fishy. First of all, it was in a strange place, then you parked your car, went through a wooden gate, went down to the basement, etc. I could just see Ken going and being chopped into tiny body bites so I though he should pass on that one. Now he blames me because he has turned down two jobs this week. He has an appointment on Monday which I think he should keep, so fingers are still crossed.

In the meantime, I've had NO luck! Not a single bite except from a scam agency. Got an email from these "recruiters" about jobs in my field, I sent the appropriate resume, I got a phone call from them, then turns out all they really wanted to do was sell me a resume service for $450. I said no thanks, because I'm working through a counselor already. I'm planning to go to a networking gathering on Monday morning and then to Texas Workforce for an invitation only networking meeting that afternoon. We'll see. I'm about to start crying over it, which is entirely stupid since of course we are not going to starve to death, it's just really difficult right now to make ends meet. A lot of the things that we used to be able to do we simply cannot do any more -- nice gifts for the kids and grandkids, go places like we used to, etc.

Oh, after all this time of having raging blood sugar, yesterday I had a horrible diabetic episode - finally got the glucose level to drop, but it dropped so fast and furiously I had to yell for Ken to help me before I passed out. And oh, dang, I am so sick after one of those. Takes a full day for me to recover. So of course today glucose is riding high!

My niece Lisa is in the hospital. Lisa and I are diabetics who lost our kidneys to this stupid disease. I received a kidney May 9, 2008; Lisa received a kidney and pancreas a year+ ago. She's been fighting rejection a lot since receipt of the pancreas, and is at this time back in the hospital trying to stop rejection. It is a constant battle. As for me, I'm due to go back to the doc on June 11, and I've got to tell him I'm experiencing horrible back pain -- a sign of kidney issues. It's being on a seesaw for the rest of one's life.

I need to get to bed, need to get up early again in the morning so can get over to the house to work the sale again. With any luck someone will have broken into the house and stolen everything out of it!!!

So for now, God bless and keep everyone 'til we meet or meet again.

The Love of God

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