Monday, April 15, 2013

Monday, April 15, 2013; 2:52 A.M.

Can't sleep...I worry too much about trying to survive and about family and about what we need to be doing, and about....  and when I do sleep I have dreams about my children so I wake up bawling.  and if not about them, it's nightmares. 

Yesterday, Sunday, we went to the new church again - we really like the worship service.  Beautiful uplifting music instead of funeral dirges as was the case with our old church.  The new church, in the sanctuary service, does NOT have the modern music that goes on and on and on repeating over and over and over again.  SO GLAD.  Today the songs were wonderful.  The service opened with Sweet, Sweet Spirit, and then one was People Need the Lord, then a soprano soloist did a rendition of You Raise Me Up (which was not my favorite version but love the song), and then there was Because He Lives.  Oh, my gosh, cannot say how much I appreciated the music. 

And the sermon was wonderful, too.  Jim Conner, the pastor, does an awesome job as does the associate pastor - can't remember her name.  Ken really likes the sermons...and we both feel/know we've been to church afterward!

After church we went to Mexican Inn for lunch - I ate about half of mine.  I really felt horrible today.  I don't understand why I can feel so good one day and then wake up the next day feeling so awful.  But that's how it happens.  I meant to get all dolled up for church this morning but as it was all I could muster was black pants, decent top, comfortable shoes, and hair pulled back. 

I went to bed as soon as we got home from lunch.  I slept until after 4 p.m.  Ken had leftovers for dinner and I had a bowl of cereal.  Ken's been in bed for hours; I've not gone to bed...I hate closing my eyes because of the horrors that visit me in sleep.  Today I had a horrible dream during my nap.  It was about being in an area where my family lived during my teen years - and the area was ok when we lived there but has since gone horribly awful.  For some reason today I dreamed I had been in the neighborhood at some place for educational lessons of some sort but afterwards I had no way home and it wasn't long before dark. I walked to what was a main street in our neighborhood - where there were businesses, but I was not allowed in the store...I was out on a sidewalk with a lot of scary people.  I was using the pay phone to call Daddy who was on the other side of town...and he told me he couldn't come after me.  I was approached by a couple of evil looking guys but I told them to back way off from me.  And then I was hearing crying...couldn't figure out where it was coming from -- turns out it was my precious Luci who was napping with me - she wanted down off the bed to go find Kenneth!  Glad she woke me up - at least this time I didn't wake up screaming. 

In addition to the bag I finished for great niece Crystal this past week, on Sunday night I almost finished a pretty bag for myself.  My new bag is VERY long (about 20") and rather narrow - about 15" wide.  It has long straps.  It is made out of Asian inspired metallic fabric that I bought about 3 years ago -- beautiful.  The fabirc is brown background with aqual/turquoise flowers with gold metallic threads.  I lined the bag with a marbed aqua fabric.  I put a flap closure on my bag but haven't put on the snap or magnetic closing devise yet.  I made Crystal's bag out of the same fabrics - I made hers large because that is what she wanted.  It turned out really pretty.  Ken took it to the subcourthouse on Friday - he went to buy tags for the VW and my niece (not great niece and not great niece's mother) has an office there.  My niece lives closer to my great niece.  Anyway, as soon as Peggy saw the bag she sent a text and told me she thinks I can sell them!  And thankfully Crystal loves the bag.  I'm going to make up a few to see if they will sell -- if they don't, then someone will get them as gifts!

This is a picture of my niece's bag: 

wish the fabric showed up better - oh well, it is what it is

I really like the way this bag turned out.  I quilted this bag with long straigh-line quilting. 

Such a soft color.  goes so pretty with the exterior fabric

Maybe tomorrow I'll post a picture of the bag I made for myself.  Have no idea what I'm ever going to do with it but I really like it!  Eventually I may cut it off at the bottom and make it shorter.  Maybe not. 

what else...oh, Ken's eye doc appointment.  He got the shot in the eye and a prescrition for eye drops.  He has to go back for the next shot in the eye next Friday morning.  I'll go with him because it's tough driving home after that!  I remember it so well when I had to have it done. 

The next day Ken had to go have a blood test done.  He got the results on Friday - high white blood count, told to contact his primary care doc.  He tried, but it was Friday...they were not there.  The answering service would not ask the on-call doc to get back with Ken but instead told Ken to call our doctor on Monday!!!  Ken's blood sugar has been raging since the shot (steroids do that) and he has been dizzy and sick for the past 2-3 days.  Getting old and having issues is just not fun. 

Tomorrow (today!!) I am going to start working on a couple of bags out of Texas prints - I have a couple of packages of charm squares that are Texas fabrics.  I'm going to make one of them a rag bag - ragged edges - it should go pretty fast because I'll do all three layers at one time.  I'm going to do the second one in the same charm squares but not going to make it a rag bag.  I'm going to make flaps for both of them and probably pockets in each of them as well. 

That's it for now...I'm going to try to go to bed.  Have a great Monday.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Waiting for Irene and crew to get here (cleaning lady).  Been up since 7 cleaning up in preparation for cleaning crew!

Had to move around several sewing machines because we went to the NE Texas TOGA in Lone Oak, Texas over the weekend.  We didn't get to go for the full 2 days but will next year!  We didn't get there until Saturday afternoon.  We took our 1918 Singer 99 handcrank machine hoping to get some help with it.  Wow!  Did we ever get help.  

Missy S. came over as soon as I opened the case and began to thread it and checking out the bobbin, and then Margaret S. (sewing machine genius no. 1) came to make sure it would sew - "if it ain't broke don't fix it."  Unfortunately it didn't.  It had a problem with the bobbin, so thenext thing I know Margaret's looking into it and discovers it has all kinds of "bird's nests" (thread gunk) in it and it becomes necessary to take everything out of the bobbin cavity.  Riley G. (sewing machine guru) got back to the table about that time and he begins to work with Margaret on it and the next thing we know, they have it apart, cleaning each part, cleaning out all the GUNK (old oil/lube) in it, and polishing the parts.  Riley worked on that machine the better part of two hours.  But when he was finished the machine was working super and the case had been overhauled and the top fit correctly - and he polished the case as well!  Can't wait to actually use this machine.  Here's a picture of the machine with Riley and Maragret...Margaret is working on the small bobbin cavity parts.  

We drove home from the TOGA Saturday night after BBQ dinner and a very fun general raffle.  Driving after dark is hard for us - Ken has a difficult time seeing at night and I'm no help.  The first thing we did was miss the turn for the entrance to I-30 in Greenville and had to turn around to go back to it.  And then the 2 hour drive home in the dark through Dallas traffic.  But we made it.  Once home I immediately started thinking about what I can put together from around here to take back spring 2014 for the next TOGA!  Think I may make a couple of lap quilts, maybe some bags, and maybe some placemats, and maybe even some loose blocks.  

On Sunday we went back to Genesis UMC and then to breakfast (?) at Rise and Shine.  Sunday afternoon I went to the LM Blanketeer Bee where I worked on blocks started at a quilting class year before last.  I probably will never finish that particular quilt.  I keep all the supplies for it in my roll around bag with my Brother machine so that it's always ready when I want to attend an event!

I had not taken a picture of the second row I made for the blanketeer row quilts we're doing, so while at the Bee I spread it out on Susan's chaise lounge to grab a shot for myself.  It's a simple quilt block but was a learning experience for me -- it is my first "on point" block setting and I was surprised how easy it was to do!  Here it is -- and the colors are BRIGHT because that's the only mandate we had for making the quilt rows -- bright colors.  

12" squares, my first "on point" settings.

Ken is at our eye specialist this morning - Dr. George Phillip Matthews.  Just got word that Ken has a problem -- swelling and hemmorraging in the back of the eye.  Treatment is going to be a series of 3 injections two weeks apart.  Injections are directly into the eye...I've had these...not very comfortable.  If left untreated can lead to loss of eye sight.  So, hoping Ken makes it through this with little difficulty.  It's not fun.  

Guess that's about it for now.  Cleaning ladies are here, dogs are barking and going insane.  Time to get busy again.  

Love to all.  

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Yipes!  I did the girl thing today...went shopping knowing I had paid bills and had NO money to spend on anything extra until next week.  Well of course, as usual, I found something special!  A gorgeous black pin stripe Le Suit -  pants suit on sale along with two suit tops - one is animal print, and one is a beautiful fuscia pink.  I paced back and forth, tried on the suit - it fit perfectly except the length has to be hemmed of course, and the tops are perfect.  I walked the store afterwards thinking do I or don't I?  I finally did the other girl thing...I bought it all (NOT credit), and have kept the receipt with the purchase hanging up on the original hangers.  If it turns out I need money before next week I may take it back...but I've got the budget figured out so I'm going to SLIDE by 'til Tuesday!  I hope!

Ken did not understand my logic at all, of course.  He just doesn't get "girl" finances/budget!  I told him I know we are ok, we have $$ in the bank, I just don't like to spend all the discretionary funds!  I know the car is going to break down tonight!!!  

And then we went to Wally World to get the miscellaneous things we need.  Strange isn't it that I don't feel guilty about spending money on things like that at all but feel totally ashamed that I spent the money on myself!  I think it's because I remember how horrible it was for such a long time when it was just me taking care of myself and the kids and there was never a penny to buy anything.  I feel guilty about spending $$ on me.  

Yet I didn't feel guilty at all buying a new nice, good quality white shirt for Ken at Macy's the other day.  I wonder what the difference is.