Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Not much today. Went to job workshop/networking, met with WIA counselor. Wasn't sure I would be able to get into the program due to "income." But E. met with three of us after workshop today to get more information, and as it turns out bc I draw SS I'm considered to be on public assistance!!! Now there's a different perspective!!! That means I am AUTOMATICALLY accepted into the program just as if I was receiving unemployment, food stamps, etc. Before E. found that out he had my package on the bottom of his stack because he wasn't sure exactly HOW he was going to present it bc my retirement check is counted as income and throws me over the threshold for the job program! When I told him that on top of that I had signed up for SS because we simply could not make it on my retirement, he got a great big smile on his face and said, "I could just hug you! That takes care of getting you into the program!" And he did. then I told him that one of the main reasons I MUST find a job is because we pay so much in insurance every month and we cannot be without it. And that on top of that I pay so dang much out of pocket on meds due to kidney transplant. He just kept writing it down...said I was giving him exactly what he needed. He asked about Ken's income, and when I told him Ken is on disability he just kept smiling. Oh, yes! that is also considered public assistance!!!

Anyway, the afternoon turned out ok and I'm supposed to hear from the counselor tomorrow morning. In the meantime I have to get my act together and find my SS reward letter to put with my package. And I have to continue to go to workshops. I've also got to get my butt up on Monday mornings and make it to North Fort Worth Baptist Church to the networking meeting that takes place at 9 a.m. every week. I'm hearing this is a really good place to meet and connect, so I'll be heading up there Monday morning. I need to get into the habit of getting up early every day and getting dressed anyway.

Today we had a lady come to the workshop to advise us on how to dress for an interview. I used to do recruiting of college graduates and do the interviews of students attempting to get into TCU's school of business -- I would have counted points off on this lady today (the one giving the advice). Likewise there was a gentleman who gave a talk on how to handle one's self in an interview -- he kept using the word "ain't."

Maybe next week I'll do a deal on intro to computers or something.

When I got home I told K. he desperately needs to get involved in the workshops, and needs to get in touch with E. about getting into this program. I'm hoping to get the training for PMP paid for, along with some computer program classes (SQL, refresher C, C++), maybe Six Sigma, LEAN, etc. The dang PMP classes are about $6000!!! If I can't get that, maybe I can at least get the necessary training required for teaching in the FWISD.

SO, we had hamburgers from Whataburger tonight. Our treat for being good this week with $$. SS check came in today. Doesn't mean we have any $$...after paying everything that needs to be paid we'll be over by about $200, and that's not giving us any allowance for food, gasoline, gifts, miscellaneous...just bills paid. I will have to hold some of the bills back until next week when K's $$ comes in, but even then there will not be any $$ left because house payment has to come out of it! I am SO tired of this!!! We simply cannot dip into savings - but we are considering selling the motorhome we bought in March. Right now it doesn't look as if we have the money to operate it anyway.

Ken has a couple of interviews tomorrow but I don't hold out any hope of him getting anything. Ken refuses to do the things necessary to be considered for a job, so not likely he will ever be hired. We had it out about that today. I've already told him that since I'm having to give up retirement and go back to work (somewhere, doing something) to expect when I do that he is out of here because I will not give up my retirement, support his behind while he sits at home living in my house using electric and water that I provide, eating food that I work for, etc. i did that for 3 years due to his stupidity, and it was time for ME to retire.

No recipes tonight. No music. Just going to bed and trying to stop stressing. Very hard when I'm responsible for everything that happens.

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