Wednesday, October 27, 2010

October 26, 2010 Again

Forgot to say, we have done a FEW things. We managed to go to the State Fair - had a good time...yummy Fletcher corn dogs. We also went to the Senior Citizen Craft Fair and we signed up to show some things next year. We went to the quilt show, and I learned that I am a traditionalist. I admire the "showy" quilts (art pieces in my opinion - wow!), but I love bed and sofa quilts. Another thing we did was go to Homestead Heritage - there's a grist mill, pottery house, blacksmith shop, fiber center, and a wonderful deli/restaurant. There's a big craft fair held there over Thanksgiving weekend so we may go back - would love to take grandchildren. Thru the fairs and places we've discovered that we can do a lot of the things that are being done and shown.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Wow, I haven't been on here in a while. I've been extremely busy sewing like crazy...nights til the wee hours and weekends. All children and grandchildren are getting lap quilts for Christmas, I hope. Thus far I've completed 7 of them and #8 is almost least 4 more to go unless I can muster up the energy and have the time to make 7. I don't think that's going to happen, but we'll see.

DH's surgery went very well! He is recovering nicely and feeling much better. He has become involved in doing some crafts (decoupage) and is exploring many things to discover what he might like to do. He wants to take more music (guitar) classes when he's over this neck brace, and he has become involved in the activities of his high school graduating class.

We made a decision to give up the motorhome...Ken hasn't been able to operate it well in a couple of years and it was costing us a payment every month plus storage and insurance - and a little in maintenance. But no point paying for something that is just setting in storage.

I'm still working full time, but have been suffering with blood pressure problems. It was raging over 200 (219+). It is finally down most often to 130 or below, but I am taking more meds to keep it there.

I would like to post pics to this blog, but haven't figured out how. I'm not very good at this. would like to show some of my quilts on here.

That's all for now -- see you soon.