Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday, February 24, 2012

After a few days of spring-like weather, it's a little chilly tonight. But I feel like a human again - I managed to work up the spunk to get a shower and wash my hair today, and then went to my neighborhood SPA for pedicure and to have nails re-done. Felt really good to feel human again.

On Wednesday of this week we went to Kennedale Camper Sales to check on a pre-owned Itasca motorhome (made by Winnebago). It was ok, the price was ok, but it just wasn't what we wanted. When we left I told Ken I would like us to drive back to Alvarado to Motorhome Specialist RV to look at the '98 Tiffin Allegro we had seen there previously. We had time, so we did. We spoke with the same salesman, Jimmy Campano, who spent lots of time with us going over the coach, making suggestions, helping us check it out, making a punch list, etc. This is a consignment unit, so absolutely NOT one of the beautiful rigs MHSRV normally sells! Before we left we paid a deposit on the coach and signed a contract with the proviso that we could change our minds within 3 days. Jimmy helped us check out everything on it - engine, transmission, brakes, leaks, microwave, cook stove, coach a/c, etc. The front cabin a/c is not working - needs to be serviced. We were concerned about the awning, the TV's are not hooked up, etc. But, it was in our limited price range and the mileage is low but not too low (too low means it has been setting for a long time which is really bad for a vehicle).

Jimmy called Ken yesterday and let him know that he had spoken with the owner about the rig and our concerns about it, and he has managed to get it lowered in price for us by $1000.00!!! That's good news. It puts it in our price range including Tax, Title and License! We're supposed to take the remaining money to the dealer on Monday, but even then we are not going to pick it up. Jimmy told Ken to go buy two converter boxes and he would get the tv's hooked up! And, he had the shop guys check out the awning, and there's nothing wrong with it! The guy had put duct tape on it to more or less keep it from unrolling going down the highway. Once the duct tape was off, it worked great! In our previous motorhome we did the same thing, except we used bungie cords around the top of the braces/fold out legs!!

We will still need to have all the fluids changed, and the switch that turns off the coach batteries needs to be fixed. Jimmy said he would look into that as well.

We looked for storage for the unit today - the place we used previously has increased in price so much that on our limited budget we won't be able to park it there. For the same price they charge we found a covered place!! We also talked with our insurance company and because it won't be financed we don't have to carry full coverage insurance - so liability only...and that's less than $25 per month! And, Ken checked into Good Sam's (road service) and a year membership is less than $100.

We have our fingers crossed that this will all work out. We never know.

Other than that, I guess nothing new has happened.

OH!!! That's not true. Got notice of DNA today. Son did all the swabbing and the initial testing about three years ago and that has made it possible to make all the connections. We started out with the 25 marker, then 32, than moved all the way thru the 67 marker to make complete matching. Fortunately still had comparison information here. Expensive!

'nuf for's Friday night and I'm bored!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Been looking at pre-owned motorhomes; have decided to stop; if/when God thinks we're ready he'll lead us to the right one.

Hubby has been to specialist due to pain, numbness and tingling in his right arm/hand. Diagnosis is ulnar neuropathy (sp?). And it appears he has onset of Parkinson's. He will be having surgery as soon as the doc's office get's it scheduled; we're hoping for next week so that the healing process can begin.

I haven't done a thing about trying to tear down and fix the Brother sewing machine that cousin Judy sent to me. the wiring has been rigged on it so can't plug it in and really wouldn't want to until it can be fixed. I've got to do something about that so can get a machine to cousin Mason, but I think I want Andrea (Mason's wife) to have a better sewing machine - so I'm looking around. May send one of mine to her.

Work on Hubby's t-shirt quilt is going slowly...can't seem to work up the "want to" to get busy on this quilt. I would like to finish it so I can move on but am not enjoying working on it so it is slow going - more like a chore than enjoyable.

Luci Grace is growing up - she turned 5 months old on the 16th - and thank goodness her hair is growing back out from that horrible grooming job she got. She's beginning to look like "Lambie" again, which is how we like her to look. We are having a problem with her and her house training...she's decided the back hallway is the place to do her business...I don't know how we are going to stop that, but stop it must. I've cleaned this place dozens of times with "don't mess here" stuff, but it is not deterring her one bit.

Maggie the spaniel is much better - she seems to be over the upper respiratory infection. Bennie Jo had a touch of it, but seems to have escaped a long duration. Thankfully Luci has not shown any sign of it. Mollie the cat coughs her head off all of the time - or sneezes. She has allergies. and Sally does just fine - just sleeps all day and night.

I made a Hawaiian bundt cake for a party last weekend. Everybody loved it and asked for the recipe. I'm enjoying finally in my old age learning to do the things that other ladies have done for so long. I still do not like to cook meals, but at least the things that I'm trying to do are working out well. I made chocolate chip cookies Sunday evening. I was making cookies every week but stopped because we don't need them - but I mentioned them Sunday afternoon. When I got up from a nap Ken had everything set out on the counter ready for me to make them. He's addicted to the chocolate chip cookies so that's what I made.

Went by my brother's place late yesterday afternoon. He's just doing so badly. He had a bad couple of days. I know he's scared because he doesn't know how long he has on this earth but knows it is not long. I think if he would throw the cigarettes away that he would do much better and would probably live longer, but he's not going to do it. Not that it would reverse the heart failure, kidney failure, or lung failure, but I think it would make him feel much better.

I've got to make it to Joann's to get some yarn and/or fabric for lap quilts. Katie Jo and Austin have moved into the "new" house and she has let me know her colors are black, brown, and tan. Niece Brenda answered my email about her colors - Navy, beige and white, so I need to get busy on both of those.

Oh, forgot something...Ken went to the drug store for me last night about 8:15. He got back about 8:45, pulled into the garage, got out of the car and there was a man in our driveway approaching him. Ken told him to stop, stay where he was; the guy did. But Ken said it was odd...said the guy ask him if he knew anyone who wanted to buy a glass top table and chairs. Of course Ken didn't...but who would be wandering up into someone's driveway at night to ask something like that? Ken didn't know the guy, wasn't one of our neighbors. So, I slept with one eye open wondering what the heck that was about. I figure Ken was lucky last night.

Guess that's all this time...

Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday, February 13, 2012

After two great days (Friday and Saturday), yesterday was a wipe out...totally depressed and down. Couldn't work myself out of it. Finally gave up the idea of going anywhere. So glad today was so different.

Furniture was delivered last Friday...TV and cabinet were set up, along with new sofa and loveseat. Still need to find tables. Anyway, TV wasn't working correctly so yesterday morning I woke up to Ken cursing and yelling and talking to the folks from India about the television and ATT Uverse. This went on for hours. I finally gave up and got up. It is what started off the horrible Sunday and depression.

Today, however, ATT was coming out to straighten out the tv problem, and David - husband of my cousin Judy - was coming to bring a sewing machine and pick up our old bedroom television. So, I showered, dressed (wasn't able to yesterday, so victory today), Ken got all the tv stuff together - including setting up a 19" tv in my room, David came and brought the sewing machine, and I left to go see my brother Joe by about 12:45.

I'm going to try to get the sewing machine up and running so that it can go to my other cousin Mason - his wife wants a sewing machine. Since I collect, tear down, overhaul, and try to get 'em running, I'm going to take a look at this one.

So, made it to my brother's at about 1. First time I've been able to spend a whole afternoon with my oldest brother by myself in years and years. I took new keyboard lesson and theory books to him along with music books he can use while practicing his bass guitar or his keyboards. I want him to work thru Lessons one and two and then we'll revisit. (My brother is not doing well. He has heart failure, lung failure, and kidney failure. I need to spend as much time as possible.)

I got back home a little after 4 and opened up my email to find one of my favorite people in the world had tracked me down and contacted me thru LinkedIn. This is a fellow that I worked with for such a long time who retired in 2010 and just vanished. He told me he's in Corpus, he has married a wonderful girl he has known since the first grade, his band is back together, and he's living life to the fullest and doesn't miss our former employment at all. Nice to know he remembered me and the fact that we were a great team! That was a really nice surprise. Maybe we will be able to swing by Corpus, Padre, and Port Aransas when we make our trip to far south Texas to cross the border to Progreso, MX for dental work. It seems we have so many friends who have moved down that way.

To end the day we went to Luby's for dinner with the rest of the old folks.

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. I haven't bought a card for anybody or sent a gift. This year I'm just really bad - my "heart" just isn't in it!

So, 'til next time, be good, be safe, and may God bless you.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Wow, time marches on so quickly. Seems impossible, but it's been over a month since my last day fact, just about 1.5 months. Time has flown by because we've been so busy. I have no idea how I had time to work.

Got permission from transplant folks to have major dental work done. Unfortunately, can't afford it in the states, so we've been looking for a VERY cheap camper because we are going to join the many other old folks who drive down to far south Texas. From there we will go across the border to Progreso, Mexico where I can get the work done for about 25% what it would cost here. We met with friends this past Tuesday evening to find out how to do it and where to go. They had to do the same thing.

Finding a pre-owned camper (Class A) is a challenge around here...most of them are bought up by the gas well drillers/workers because they live in them. We've seen a couple, but what we've seen wouldn't make it to the city limits, and after we purchased one of these it would take way too much money to get it up and running. So, we'll be patient until the right thing comes along.

We did finally get the 2010 taxes filed, and we sent a whopping big check to the IRS to pay past-due taxes for prior years. Hopefully we won't owe for 2011 -- we had withholdings down to nothing all year. We ordered a book of instructions from the IRS yesterday we're in wait mode for that.

Where have we been and what have we done? Well, as most folks know, I'm about blind (not really, but feels that way). I have difficulty seeing the channel numbers, etc., on the TV. So, for retirement I bought myself a larger television. It's supposed to be delivered today. Also, bought a pleather (yep, NOT leather) sofa and loveseat. Didn't want to spend a lot of money. We've had our old one for about 10 years, and it has served us well. It's got scratches and nicks on it because the critters are on it a lot. We've loved it because we can clean it with soap and water. It's going to a good home - to our friend Linda Simmons. Lives in Joshua, their house was one that burned to the ground last year by the idiot down there who set everything on fire. Insurance money came up just a TAD short for rebuilding the house and furnishing it, so Linda's folks are coming to get the sofa (hopefully today).

I haven't done much sewing/crafting since retirement...been trying to work on clearing out the house and cleaning up. I've got a self-imposed rule that every other Monday is household laundry and bathroom cleaning day. Fortunately Ken has been good about helping with that. I have a really hard time, however, managing to get all the work done because I'm so out of shape. So, this week I started cleaning one room every day. That works out MUCH better for me. Attacking it in "chunks" makes it more manageable.

Went to heart doc - had to confess that I failed at getting CT claustrophobia beat me up and I ran from the table both appointments. His conclusion, however, is that I'm doing great -- just need to GET OFF MY ASS and get physical. So, this morning we're going to head back to the YMCA to work out for an hour or so before we go to breakfast. I'm also rejoining Weight Watchers...I want to start by losing 10% of my body weight...even that much will help the old ticker. Of course, 10% of what I weigh is one HHHHH of a lot!!!

My niece in S. Carolina contacted me recently. She wants me to make do a Barbie and Ken in Gone With The Wind costume. I found the original B&K dressed as Scarlett and Rhett on line, but she told me she would rather I made them so she has them from me. So, I'll need to get that started. I'm also making an afghan for her because she lost so much of her things when she was rather homeless - including the afghan my mother made for her so many years ago. Anyway, colors are to be Navy blue, beige, white. Hmm, what pattern???

And, one of my nieces here recently moved into a new-to-them house and wants me to do something for her - and she doesn't care if it's a quilt or afghan. Her colors are black, brown, and tan. I made one for our foster niece in the pinks that she wanted so now gotta get this one done.

Got to get to a cousin's house to pick up a sewing machine to overhaul and get running for the wife of another cousin. Hoping this works out well. Let me see, the cousin to whom the machine is going is married to the best friend of my daughter's ex-husband's current wife. Sounds almost hillbilly, doesn't it?

Oh, yeah, I've gained a couple more machines...a wonderful vintage Singer 401, and a fantastic black Singer 301 long bed. We drove all the way to Forney, Texas to pick up the 301. I've been wanting one for a couple of years. I have a mocha colored short-bed 301, and I absolutely love it for taking to bees and project days.

Let's see, what else. My oldest brother keeps asking me if I'm finally going to go back to teaching music/piano after all these years - and specifically if I will help him. So, I've been to the music store and purchased the set of lessons and theory books, so hopefully tomorrow I'll get him started. He's also currently taking bass guitar lessons. I'm glad he's finally getting back into this. My other brother plays guitar and sings.

DH has some issues...after all the neuro surgeries incurred in 2009 and 2010, we thought we were out of the woods. But he's suffering with pain and numbness in the right arm so he had an EMG done this week and will see the neuro fellow this next week. He's also been fighting that dang insulin pump again but supposedly Medtronics finally has it straightened out. We'll see. Every time he gets in the driver's side of the car and we head out, that blasted thing goes off. We've started letting him be the passenger and me be the driver because that way he doesn't have to go down the road trying to fix whatever is going on with the pump.

We bought a new rug shampooer, ours gave up the ghost. I need to get off my duff and use it in the three rooms that still have carpet. Some day I'm going to put carpet back in this house - can't afford to have the wood floors fixed that were ruined by the handyman in his efforts to fix them. They look like crap. For now I'll keep spending my life mopping the DDDD floors with "don't pee and s___t here" concoction.

We went to Sunday School last week at the church where I've gone for so long. We had just about stopped going at all because we were not getting anything out of church or SS. As it turns out, last Sunday will definitely be our last Sunday. We had a great discussion in SS, but what it led to were some pretty honest vocalizations that participants really do not believe what the Bible says, are not concerned with salvation, that there objective is to be good people, love others, and do what they can to help someone. While that is admirable, it is NOT what the Bible teaches. I've said for a long time that this particular church frightens me because in no way will this church lead someone to Christ. It is excellent for those who are already firm in their faith, but my grandfather (who was a minister of this denomination) would roll over in his grave if he knew what was going on!!

We've been to a few places with friends, and last night we ate a new restaurant in an older neighborhood close to where I grew up. Attempt is being made to revitalize the area, so we wanted to support that. Name of the place is La Rueda.

Oh, we've worked out several settlements with creditors; financial outlook is improving. Still have one who wants to TELL me what I have to settle for (amount) and I keep telling them "ain't no way," here's what I can do. All others have agreed to auto payout at far reduced amount, but at least will be paid in a year. Several agreed to this in early 2011 and those are paid off. Have one more payment (this month) on another one. Those that would not work with me were left until after everybody else is paid. If they want to settle/resolve then, then I'll consider it. hopefully by then they will have realized they are not going to get the amounts they want.

I've heard from work...I think they'll get along just fine without me. And I think I don't care if they do or not.

That's about it, I guess. There are some things I refuse to think about any more...

Until next time, may God keep you safe.