Monday, June 25, 2012

Monday, June 25, 2012

Yippee! I got the job at the non-profit organization. I'm excited. It is doing exactly what I've been wanting to do for a long time - helping disadvantaged women learn job skills and impart some of my own experiences along the way. Not a lot of $$, it is after all, a non-profit. But it is probably going to become a full-time situation before year end. BECAUSE, Texas Workforce is going to collaborate with The Ladder Alliance (the non-profit) and we'll be training at least 120 people by the end of the year! And that includes something TLA has never done before -- training men as well. Not at the same facilities, of course. The ladies attend at the safety place, the men will attend at the Texas Workforce Resource Center. I'll teach at both places. And the first class I'll be teaching is keyboarding. It's going to be great. I think all of this is to begin July 9 -- date still to be determined. In the meantime i have to have a drug biggie...we had random drug tests at Lockheed.

I've been doing a lot of family research, trying to tie up some loose ends. Would love to some day get this into some kind of shape for submittal to libraries and online resources.

Yesterday I made Ken watch the ball game in the den while I took his room apart. Vacuumed and shampooed in there. Nasty!!! I made him clean his window, baseboards, doors, furniture. I had lots of help from Lucy last night. She spent just about the entire time with me watching every swipe of the vacuum cleaner and shampooer. Ken put all furniture back today while I went on the interview.

Getting up this morning was HARD. I am not a morning person on my best days, and getting there by 9:30 today was tough. It's going to be worse having to get there by 8 a.m. I think I'll be teaching some classes during the day, some in the afternoon, some in the evenings. Not sure yet.

Ken starts to work tomorrow. He's been getting everything ready for tomorrow so he won't forget anything. He has to take extra meds and pump supplies as well as everything else so he has to make sure he has his act completely together. It will be bad for me because I'm used to him taking care of the dogs, and now I'm going to have to do that. At least until I start going to work.

So, other than fixing a roast and doing laundry, I guess that's about it for now. Nothing to report. We really need to get a life!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on getting the job! I hope you really enjoy it; I'm sure you'll do well.

    All the best,


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