Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Short post tonight. Am worn out from "retirement." Been working on the HUGE project I put off until retirement -- trying to get family research in order. I think I'm about to get there -- at least with what I'm planning to do with it. I'm ready to finish what I have, get it documented, split into various family branches, put into manuscript format with copies of pictures and documents, and call it done. It will never be complete but my part will be complete. Hopefully I will have provided enough for someone somewhere to take up the work and continue.

The exciting news of the week is -- drum roll -- KEN GOT A JOB!!! He starts next Tuesday, back working as an accountant. And yes, they know all about his issues. Unfortunately he'll get paid so much that he will probably lose his disability check. But, maybe we can switch that to straight Social Security benefits...we'll see. If it was SS he wouldn't lose the benefit completely, just lose $1 for every $2 he earns, basically he would get 1/2 what he currently receives. ANYWAY, he's excited, and I'm worried about him. He hasn't been able to work in three years and the last thing we can afford is for him to get into a stressful situation and have a major set back.

Ken found out all the particulars about when he starts, how much he will earn, etc., today. So we celebrated with burgers from Sonic tonight.

The same place has my resume...not sure I'm what they are wanting. I am NOT a software programmer. Everyone immediately thinks you are a programmer when you hve had the title of software engineer. But my experience is in software process management, not in programming/coding. We'll see. Ken says for me to not work for a while, but I'm still looking...we need to get more money into savings.

Think we've made up our minds to unload the house...but we're going to go about it slowly. We both want to be somewhere where things are within easy access...want to live close to stores, malls, people, highway access, etc. We are going to start taking some "drives" around the metroplex area to see what areas we like...Ken is totally against Dallas, so that probably won't be where we land. There was a time when we wanted to move to Mansfield so we could be close to the kids and grandchildren, but I guess there's no point in that any more. I miss my kids so much, but I am trying hard not to cry any more.

SO, tomorrow I'm hoping to do something around this place except work on the computer. Getting all this family stuff into the database has been a real chore. I'm ready to sew, or mop floors, or do something! When Ken goes to work next week it means I'll have to do everything myself around here - at least until I find a job.

I was contacted by the airline again today...they are really bugging me to get onboard with them. It's work from home, customer service, but it is a 24 hour a day job...weekends, nights, days, whatever. But, it does have flight privileges. However, I would have to have a space in the house that is totally separate, is dedicated to work, has it's own separate computer, cable internet, and special phone service - all write offs, but still a pain. We have the space to do it, but how tied down to this house do I want to be?

Gotta go - meds and bed are calling. You all have a wonderful night and great dreams.

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