Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Door bell rang a bit ago -- I've been reading lots of horror stories of bad guys breaking in on old people and doing physical harm.  K was in bed already and no way was I going to the door.  K got up, dressed, then he and the dog went to check on who was out there.  Found no one.  We figure it was the neighbor because when K checked our garage door was open.  The neighbors around here are good at letting one another know if the garage door is left open.  At least the adrenalin got to flowing!

Let's see...I've built a Facebook page for the Six Flags Chapter (Texas), Daughters of the American Revolution.  I made myself and fellow chapter member and officer Diane admins on it.  I've sent out invites to all chapter members and we've been surprised at who all has actually visited and joined the site (must be member of DAR).  Diane and I have also sent invitations to a few of the national committee folks to come visit our site and join it.  We've been experimenting with it, learning about it, etc., and laughing because every time we do something those who accepted membership are out there checking out what we are doing even though we are "testing" it.  It's funny because most of the ladies are in their 80's but they are really "hip" as far as getting on the computers!  Sometimes before we have time to check something they've already hit the like button!

Since this is Diane's idea, and since Diane has been elected to be the next Regent of Six flags, we are trying to get this up and running for her term of office so that maybe, just maybe, we can get a dying chapter up and moving in a positive direction.  We've got some plans for some activities and some ideas that we hope will work to enliven the chapter.  YOUNG blood in the chapter will help!  At my age I'm one of the YOUNG people.

I haven't done much more to K's t-shirt quilt...I need a day when I can focus on it.  Doesn't look like that will be this week.  Friday is project day for Lockheed Blanketeers - I'm signed up to go but not sure I'm going to be able to.  I hate to miss - always have a nice time with the ladies.  BUT, thanks to Uncle Sam (SS), we are having to pull together documentation and go to the SS office to combat/appeal their decision to stop K's disability checks!  We didn't find out until today that they had decided to no longer pay him disability.  We called SS - they claim they sent letters but we did not respond.  We haven't seen any letters.  They claim he worked all year and earned way too much money.  He hasn't earned anything except for his little part-time work for the stadium, which amounts to hardly anything.

I went to endocrinologist yesterday - it was much like going to "medical confession."  I've been so bad for the past 3 months.  Got to get back on the right path.  Doc wanted me to go to HMR's office and get started with them.  I called their office...let me see, that will be $25 to $55 per week for the doctor supervision plus food.  So I said, in other words, $500-$600 per month?  The lady said yes.  I said I can't do that, it's too expensive.  She said, "it takes the place of your regular groceries."  To which I responded that since my husband still has to eat it doesn't take the place of anything!  And we don't spend $700-$800 a month for groceries (doc plus food).  I spend approximately $250 - $300 per month for groceries.  Anyway, that's not a consideration on our budget.

Guess that's about it - nuttin' excitin' happening at our place.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Saturday, January 11, 2014...Nuttin' Happening

Already the 11th of January - time just keeps marching on.  What have I done since January 2...hmm, have to think about that one.

Last Saturday, even though Ken was sick as all get out, we cleaned out both cars and packed all the Christmas gifts for kids and grandkids in them and drove them to Mansfield.  We feel much better that the kids got their stuff.  Afterward we stopped at Olive Garden in Burleson for dinner.  Ken felt so bad he couldn't eat and I was fading fast.  We came home and went to bed!  Since then we've both been trying to get better.

Let's see, I made a rag quilt for our cleaning lady who is due any minute with her third child - another girl.  I started it over the weekend and got it finished on Tuesday because the cleaning team was due on Wednesday.  I think it turned out fairly cute.  I selected six different pink flannel prints and cut out blocks 8.5" square.  She wanted it nice and soft so I didn't use any batting between the front and back squares, simply turned them wrong sides together, quilted the "X" across each block, then sewed them together with raw edge.  this one is 7 blocks by 7 blocks, making it about 49 x 49 once the seams were done.  The baby's name will be Lesly Aylin but I did not put a label on this quilt for her...because I am going to make another one for her that is most likely going to be either 9 patch or disappearing 9 patch.  That one will bet a label.  Using the snippers on every seam on one of these is tiring, but I think I want to make a king size quilt for our bed.  Problem is, Bennie Joe stays on the bed all day so I don't put anything nice on it.

No idea why some of the blocks are showing up coral in these pictures - they are all the same light shade of pink.

What else?  Ken's been very sick so I haven't been able to move the furniture around or get the sewing room cleaned out/put together.  That will get done soon.  He has suggested once again that I take over the master bedroom as my large sewing room (has hardwood floors) and that we put our bed in the small bedroom.  I'm still thinking about that.  After all, we don't do anything but sleep in te bedroom and I could sure use the space.  The problem is, it would soon be just as messy as the current one and I would be out of space once again.  I think it's probably better if I stay with the smaller room and figure out how to store/place things in a more organized manner.

OK, so what else?  Ken was feeling a little better on Tuesday so he went to the Civil War Museum in full uniform and hung out with buddy Jack Dyess learning lots of information for the benefit of volunteering out there.  He came home with a side arm and sash to wear on his uniform.  He's quite excited about being a confederate character (lol).

Ken's family didn't arrive in this country until after the War Between the States so he has no loyalty to either side.  He's confederate via marriage to a Southern gal and my involvement in various lineage organizations.  He's an auxilliary member of the Wm. H. Griffith #2235 Camp of the Sons of Confederate Veterans; auxilliary because he can't trace his lines back to the period.  His uniform is that of a Sargeant in the Artillary - the uniform was custom made for him by Fall Creek Suttlery out of Whitestown, Indiana.  He got it as one of his Christmas gifts.  The Confederate uniform was grey jacket, sky blue pants, grey kappa (cap).  All out of wool and HOT.  The jacket is lined...otherwise he would itch badly.  The side arm he is holding in the picture is not "real" so he says...but certainly looks it!  It has no chamber for bullets.  It, the holster, and the red sash, along with the knife were loaned to him by Jack.  I think he can purchase his own at the museum.

I was supposed to go to the Woman's Shakespeare Club on Wednesday, and intended to do that. Cleaning ladies came and I had plenty of time to get ready after they left...but I wasn't feeling well. Instead of going to Shakespeare I went back to bed for most of the rest of the day.  I think it was what I needed to do because I felt better Thursday morning although still weak.  I managed to attend the meeting of the Six Flags Chapter of the DAR.  I am transferring from the MIK chapter of DAR to Six Flags because it is a smaller chapter and there is much more potential for getting involved.  I've already been asked to build a Facebook page as well to take over development of a web page.  Shouldn't be difficult.  And I've already started making suggestions.  Six Flags is an ageing/dying chapter, and if something is not done it is going to become a "has been" chapter.  It needs members and it also needs some activities to enliven it.

After the meeting Thursday I met up with Ken and a couple of his friends and another wife for lunch at WS Cafe.  As long as I've lived here that was the first time I've been there.  It was ok, nothing to write home about.  Typical "greasy spoon" cafe with the exception that it is fairly large!  Afterward, in separate cars, Ken and I drove out to Benbrook to the antique mall and spent about an hour piddling before heading home.  It was a horribly soupy, messy, foggy day; and I got lost in the fog on the way home!  Missed a turn and then had no idea where I was.  I sent a text to Ken and confessed I was lost and told him to lead us home.  Turns out we weren't that far away from the house, I just couldn't see in the fog.

I've had a t-shirt quilt for K in the works for a couple of years.  I did the large blocks, making them all the same width, but they are all different heights.  K has been griping because I haven't finished the thing so I decided to work on it.  I haven't worked on it because I haven't been quite sure how to handle it.  The shirt blocks are all backed with stabilizer and all have different size sashings on them so that the blocks come out to the same size width wise.  I just wasn't sure what to do to set them together.  SO, we laid them all out on the king size bed (I no longer work in the floor!), and I used 72 inches in length as my "goal" length.  We spread the columns of blocks out so that horizontal seams will be offset from column to column and then I measured between each block and cut fabric strips to fill in.  I don't yet have a picture of it like this, so the picture here is just of the blocks before I started messing with in-between strips.  Thus far it looks ok.  I hope to get back to working on it on Monday.  I'm adding things as I go along...such as some of the smaller things that were on t-shirt sleeves, or some special things such as an American flag, a Texas flag, Ranger Baseball emblem, etc.

Today daughter B and grandkids came by to pick up wheel chair to loan to long-time friend from school who managed to bust up her ankle and has had two surgeries thus far.  She's going to be incapacitated for a couple of months.  Barely got the chair in the back of B's new Ford Escape SUV - used to her driving the mommy van but she no longer has it or needs it since kids are older.  Pretty car - glad for her.  She deserves to drive a decent car.

K and I went to lunch at "neighborhood" cafe and then walked through the little antique place next door.  I have such a hard time walking - just makes me so angry.  I used to walk for miles walking my dog and now I'm lucky if I can get down the aisle at a grocery store without having to sit down because of pain in the legs and hips.  I don't understand what happened to me!

We were planning to go to the big antique mall in town so came home, plugged in scooter battery intending to rest about 45 minutes before leaving.  The battery got plugged in alright but our entire household (K and me plus all the fur babies) went to bed and skipped the outing.  I woke up about 6:30 p.m.  We were thinking about going out to eat but K was dealing with the sensor on his insulin pump so we stayed home and had "every man for himself" night.  And now I'm starving!

That's about it.  Life is good, I think.  We will start preparing for next weekend.  Friday will be Blanketeer project day for me all day, Saturday we will be up and downtown early to ride in the parade, and then Sunday we have a SCV memorial ceremony at the camp's adopted cemetery. Hope it's a nice day for all of that!  But for now, it's time to start searching for FOOD.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Appointment with Dr. Broker, Vascular Specialist early this morning.  First time I've met him and his staff although they are members of my transplant team.  First time I've needed to see him.  VERY good looking, and appears to be all of 12 years old!  I was so stunned when he came in the examination door that it came right out of my mouth - "Oh, my gosh!  You're so young!"  He laughed, said he had actually shaved this morning...otherwise his grey would showing.  Anyway, thankfully I didn't have to fill out a bunch of paperwork because it's all in the computer same as Dr. Lander the heart doc and the hospital.  Nice to work with a team.

Really sweet tech put me through the paces today, including a deep sonogram of the veins in the left leg.  Sure enough there is damage and the valves don't work.  And yes, it is a vascular lesion on my leg which could worsen and become an ulcer which might never heal causing loss of leg, blah, blah, blah.  The doc also ordered a sonogram of the right leg and there is damage there, too, but not yet as bad as the left.  So, we start with the left.  This will require surgery, but now days it is done via laser and not by the barbaric means of hospitalization, putting the patient under heavy anesthesia, cutting out and stripping the veins.  With laser it is still surgery, but under local, takes about an hour, is done in the doc's office, but must have driver with the patient.  There will be no prolonged sitting or long car trips for at least two weeks after surgery due to possibility of blood clots.  He promises there will be pain (how will I know the difference) but should subside in about a week (they all promise that!).  And, it will take several months for healing.  But eventually the lesion/ulcerated leg should heal.  There will be walking idea how I'm going to do that but I am.  Doesn't have to be fast, and can certainly use the walker.  Can't wait to get this done; over with.

Afterward had my visit with my counselor and discussed various things including whether or not I'm jealous of my ex or anyone, and whether or not I'm manipulative.  Some self examination.  No, I'm not jealous.  I wanted OUT of that situation, so not jealous.  Counselor doesn't think so, either.  However, I confessed to having hurt feelings and feelings of being disrespected because I want to have time with my children and grandchildren.  Counselor says that I need to own those feelings, that they are my feelings...that it is ok for me to have feelings and that I should not be guilty because I have feelings.  I'm not making any sense trying to write this down, but I understood at the time.

Manipulative...still can't see that one, and we talked about it a lot.  Haven't been around anyone or spoken to anyone in a long time to be manipulative.  I need more feedback for us to discuss that one.

We talked a lot about relationships...that a relationship, at least a good one, cannot be one directional and be a true relationship.  That the "rules" and "demands" of the relationship cannot be made by one side, that consideration of the needs of both sides have to be involved.  And learned that my needs are viable just as everyone's needs are.  Wow!  I need to replay that one over and over again in my head 'til I get it through my noggin.

Also had discussion that just because the relationship is not good doesn't mean I am a bad person (which is the dialogue I tend to play repeatedly in my brain).  It also means that the other party to the relationship has issues they need to resolve.  What a concept!

As usual, there were no miracles that occurred, just some good things to contemplate, some great points I need to work on for improving thoughts of my own self worth, which has been zilch for a long time.  And some things I need to watch out for to "protect" myself.

Other than that...I stopped at Joann's to get supplies for the rag quilt I need to make for the lady who does our house cleaning.  I need to get it completed by next Wednesday.  Her baby is due any moment.  I picked out 6 different pink flannels and bought a yard of each.  I'm planning to use 8" squares to make it about 48x48, flannel both sides, no batting in between.  She asked me to make it so that it is really, really soft.  So it will be with flannel.  I should, hopefully, be able to get it completed over the weekend if I don't come down with the crud K has.

Speaking of the crud, K is definitely down!  Oh, my.  He was sick all night long, wasn't able to go to the mission this morning (and he just hates that!), wasn't able to go to the Civil War Museum this afternoon, has been taking meds all day, and is currently asleep and snoring (I can hear him from here).  I was hoping he would be able to help me with packing the two cars with the Christmas gifts for the kiddos so we could get them delivered, but that's just not going to happen today.  He's supposed to work at the stadium tomorrow, but I don't see that going to happen either.
Guess I can't move furniture out of my sewing room today either...can't do it by myself.  I'm wanting to move everything out of this room, including the huge desk, so that I can do a deep cleaning.  Then I'm not going to put all of this back in here, but am instead going to do some different things to make the room work better for cutting/sewing/quilting and storing fabrics and supplies.

That's it...I'm of K's business contacts is supposed to stop by in a bit...need to wake him up.  Other than that, going to get the leg elevated and may close the eyes very early.

Happy ending to Thursday?

January 1, 2014 - New Year's Day

Happy New Year!

Stayed home for NY's Eve --DH doesn't like to go out because of the drunks and stupid heads.  He went to bed but not to sleep.  I stayed up, doing some cleaning & piddling.  The pop, pop, pop of either gunshots or firecrakers rang out about midight and Luci was scared.  She was barking her head off in the middle of the king size bed, trying to make Daddy get up to go stop whatever was happening.  We stay away from the doors/windows in our house during this time.  It is not unusual for bullets to be flying in our neighborhood.  We toasted the New Year with caffeine-free diet coke.
Today we slept in (LOVE being able to do that), then had a morning of doing a few things and enjoying our time.  This afternoon we went to a NY's blackeyed pea party hosted by friends Joan and Bill and saw a bunch of our friends we haven't seen in a while.  Friends, food, a little good wine.  We left before totally dark because if we leave after dark we have to drive by Braille - DH can't see at night but doc still says its not time to remove cataracts.  And I have a tendency to go to sleep in the car.  So we need to get home before totally dark.

DH will be working at the mission tomorrow morning, then will meet up with our buddy Jack at the Civil War Museum where he will spend the afternoon learning various things about volunteering out there.  It will be great for him.  It will be the first time he wears his uniform.  He had tried on the jacket Christmas Day, as well as the shirt.  But tonight he finally tried on the pants.  These come up on the belly, not below the belly.  The pants were made according to the waste size and without consideration of his skinny legs!  Two people could get into the legs of these pants and the butt.  And they had not been hemmed.  I contacted my friend Maggie in Mississippi who makes period clothing to get "hurry up" advice about what to do.  She says they are supposed to be baggy, not fit like modern clothing.  Also told me to turn the pants up and run a fast whip stitch instead of cutting them off since they haven't been cleaned yet (will probably shrink a bit).  I spent about an hour turning them up and hand stitching them...they don't look the greatest but will do for tomorrow and then we'll get a tailor to hem them.  He's just going to have to wear big baggy pants.

Oh, well, need to go to's 2:15 a.m. on the 2nd!  I have a doc apptmt (vascular doc) at 9 a.m.  Hopefully going to find out if there is anything that can be done about my left leg.  Veins have collapsed, won't pump the fluids back up, is extremely painful and huge with edema.

Enuf for now...need sleep.