Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012, Thursday, November 22, 2012

Felt MUCH better when I woke up this morning.  So glad.  We had a very nice day.

Today we went to the home of my niece and her husband, Peggy and Mark, and got to spend time with lots of my brothers family.  In the old days our family gatherings were at my oldest brother's home, but now days the family gathers at Peggy's.  WAY too much food, but OH SO GOOD.  I did NOT make peanut butter fudge - guess I'll make it and take it to them for Christmas.  Niece Lisa and great niece Katie teased me about expecting it -- and a couple of family members said I should sign up for a particular web site to SELL my candies.  They think I can compete with others who are selling theirs at $5.00 per pound.  I need to figure out if that is a good price or not.  (Nephew Troy was remembering Grandma's (my mother's) divinity.)

Took the Christmas lap quilt today because I knew I probably wouldn't see my brother and sister-in-law any time soon, especially before Christmas...I thought giving them the quilt early was better - that way they can use it this year instead of waiting a full year.  And with Joe's health issues we never know if he has another year or not.  It's a contest as to which one of us siblings is going to go first - I think that even with all my health issues I may be the one in "good" health.  That's the reason I want to get brother Jerry's quilt finished!  (I have it spray basted and pinned and on the sewing machine waiting for me to quilt it.  I'm letting it stay there while I decide what color thread to use for the will definitely have red in the bottom.  The top is big patches of various Christmas fabrics, so I'm debating whether to use green or red...white will not look right.  I used red on Joe's.)

Joe was teasing and aggravating me as usual...he says I always say we don't have any money - and we DON'T, but he says I then tell him we bought or did so and so!  He has no idea how much planning/saving/switching around we have to do when we decide to do something.  and when we spend money it is a BIG deal.  He asked me if we bought a motorhome and when I told him yes, he wanted to know how much we paid - and when I told him he zapped me again!  Then he saw Ken's car and made some remark about how we afford to do something like that!  Well, we have a tendency to save, look, research, and search before we buy anything.  We saved for 4 years for the motorhome and bought a '98 Tiffin Allegro Bay, not a new one; and Ken's car LOOKS new because his cars ALWAYS look new, but we searched for it for 4 years as well - and bought a 2007 VW Beetle with 22,000 original miles on it previously owned by folks in Temple, Texas who never drove it.  We got one heck of a deal on it!  Guess I'm going to have to watch what I say because we truly do NOT have a lot of discretionary money!  We just SAVE for things and plan for them.  I also had to remind him that although I am retired from LM, I still work part time.  And where does the money I earn go???  Yep!  Right into savings!!!  Ken and I know that we have no one but ourselves to count on if anything goes wrong, so we can't afford to spend money!

Anyway, after he and my sister-in-law left he called me from his house (3 doors away) and asked me if he made me mad or hurt my feelings.  I laughed.  No, I've been putting up with you harrassing me for the last 64 years - I didn't think anything about today.  Just chalked it up to "family as usual."

Did not hear from any of my own kids, of course.  Always disappointing, always makes me cry, but I decided to have a nice day anyway.  Likewise we didn't hear anything from Ken's family.

We were home in time for Ken to watch the football game; and I spent the late afternoon and evening watching videos on - I like the sewing videos done by Debbie Shore - she has some pretty cute ideas, simple to do.  There are some things she has done that I want to try.

Hope everyone had a great day.  If you're gone shopping, be careful out there!

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