Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Let me say first that I am totally heartbroken over the election.  Actually in a state of shock and disbelief.  I do not understand how Americans can be celebrating the election of someone so bent on destroying this country.  This man did so many horrible things in his 4 years of office to the detriment of this country, and the damage he will do in the next 4 years is unthinkable.  I will cry and pray my way thru the next 4 years as I watch America being destroyed.  Obama is not American - he is a foreigner hell bent on taking America down.  I am so scared for my children and grandchildren and great grandchildren after this election.

It is time to get the guns ready, ammo purchased and ready, and to work on getting a full food pantry.  God bless us all as we watch the destruction.

That being said, today I am going to be teaching 4th and 5th graders.  I'm subbing at an elementary school from 11:30 to 3:10.  I hope I survive...I usually teach older folks!  but I didn't want to work all day so accepted this assignment.  I hope they are nice to me!!!

Oh, and since I have to be there at 11:30, guess who came and woke me up at 6:30 a.m. because, "don't you have to be somewhere today?"  I wish I had had a brick in my hand at the time - I would have knocked the crap out of the village idiot.  I could not believe he did that - again!  I told him in no uncertain terms that I was teaching a half day, didn't have to be there until 11:30, yet he decided to wake me up.  I have warned him about tomorrow - that I will KILL him if he wakes me up tomorrow - I have not accepted a sub assignment for Wednesday.  My next sub assignment is for Friday - again for 1/2 day - for kindergarten!  If he wakes me up at 6:30 a.m. on Friday, he may be fed to the fish.

The nut case has an interview this morning.  Someone from Catholic Charities has contacted him.  I have no idea why he continues to job hunt in the accounting field - no one is going to hire him.  He's old and nobody wants to hire an old person.  He needs to be looking for a part-time job doing something less involved.  I really don't care what it is he does - I just want him out of this house because he needs to do something other than sit here playing on the computer and watching television -- which he has done for 4 years!!!  Now that the campaign is over and his friend lost the election for U.S. Representative for District 33 (Republican), he needs to find something worthwhile to do - I don't want to put up with him every day.

That's about it, I guess.

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