Thursday, July 5, 2012

Thursday, July 5, 2012 - Again!

Opened Facebook this morning, and saw this delightful video. Wanted to share it with everyone, so I'm including it here as well as sharing it on FB. It's called Thru the Decades and is a comedy for all of us old folks who love the old hymns - this one is Leaning On the Everlasting Arms, but it is really cute.

Forgot to mention a dream/nightmare I had a few nights ago. I feel so rejected, alone, and as though I am wondering around lost in this big ol' world with no family. In this dream, I was living in a place that was basement level, my children had been to visit, but they were all leaving. I was crying, very upset, while I walked them to the door and watched them climb the stairs up the terraced wall to the parking lot. They were putting children into the car preparing to leave. A car pulled in beside theirs, and I could tell they knew who it was because I saw them wave and speak to the person and wait until the person got out of the car. Turns out it was my dad, and he got out of the car, and then got someone else out of the car. When he turned around he was carrying my daughter Megan who looked to be slightly less than 2 years old. Makes no sense whatsoever, because it was my grown kids (son and his wife and daughter included) who were leaving! but it was definitely Daddy and Megan - and he was carrying her just like he used to when she was a baby and we lived with them. Daddy was wearing black dress pants, white shirt, tie, and a tan sports jacket, carrying Megan in his left arm and his Bible in the other. It was definitely him.

This is the first time my Daddy has ever appeared to me since he died February 26, 2002. Mother has visited me in dreams many times, especially in scary times and times of stress. But this is the first time Daddy has come. It was neat to see him.

I heard from the lady at The Ladder Alliance. We are getting together next Wednesday morning with the person at Texas Workforce regarding classes at their facility. I'm going to be teaching those. I'm a little apprehensive because they will be using netbooks (?). We have one - ours is small. We use a mouse with ours. I have no idea, yet, what they will be using so am anxious to see the room to be used as well as the equipment. Been my experience it is difficult to learn to "type" (keyboarding) on one of the small netbook or laptop computers. Guess we'll work with what we get.

Today I got a few things done. I got and mailed granddaughter's birthday things, made it to the office supply store to get copies made of our tax return and got that mailed off. Got myself a blue coconut snow cone (yummy) and managed to get that all over me, and made a run by the grocery store. Ken was having a tough day at work. I got him some Shiner Blonde light, and picked up chicken and potato planks from the deli because I wasn't feeling too great. So for dinner we had the chicken and potatoes, pork and beans, and salad. I had been trying to find a few minutes to lie down all afternoon but it never happened, but I passed out immediately after dinner on the sofa. Woke up about 10:30 p.m. So, now I'm off to bed.

That's about it. Hello and goodnight to anyone who may be reading.

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