Monday, July 23, 2012

Monday, July 23, 2012

Had appointment with FWISD this morning for fingerprinting, picture ID, short meeting with Capital Management. I have been surprised as many people as they interview how well the head of this department knows each and every one of us. She's amazing. I checked in with the receptionist and she sent me to B.G.'s office. She was on the telephone so I stood outside and waited. When she turned around she said, "May I help You," and then, "Dorthy! I didn't recognize you!" when she saw me last week I had my hair pulled back into a "knot" with one of those big clip chignon bows over it, had on pearl earrings and a 2-strand pearl necklace. Today (in response to her encouraging me to come today to get going so she can get me into seminars this week), I showered and shampooed, used moisturizer and a bit of lip gloss, blew my hair dry and left it down, and wore more casual clothing. But she knew me and surprisingly that is after a short, short interview last Friday!

Anyway, haven't had the fingerprinting done since I went back to Lockheed in 1982, so interesting that they no longer use the "ink" method. Instead it is all electronic via computer scanning. Then had my picture taken for ID, and was ready to go. I'm supposed to hear from BG on Wednesday to confirm that I go to the seminars this Friday. Getting into that one will be a relief because it means I will not have to be concerned while I'm teaching the computer classes for TLA that start this next Monday.

When I left FWISD I met up with Ken and "the boys" (Republican candidate Chuck Bradley and campaign manager David) at Benbrook Cafe as long as they promised to buy my lunch. So got a good salad with grilled chicken out of the deal.

When we all went our separate ways I stopped by Omni and did what I should have done years ago -- I closed out our account!!! I've had that account since before my babies started to school!!! Omni used to be the Carswell AFB credit union but it was never much good -- always expensive and never run like a credit union. It finally gave up all pretense of being a credit union and changed to being a bank with branches all over the place. This has always been our "revolving" account - not much money in it - saving up a bit and then taking a trip or making a major purchase, but lately it's been more trouble than it's worth since we have such a great relationship with GTFCU (been with them since 1992) and everything, including deposits, is handled electronically. And the only other thing we did with Omni was cash bonds, and we don't need to do that any more - they are also electronic, so redeeming them is just selecting and clicking a couple of nav buttons.

Then I stopped by the post office and mailed snow cone money to the local grandchildren. Still need to get a check off to my oldest granddaughter out of state so will do that tomorrow.

After getting home Ken and I knew we needed to tackle the horrible nasty kitchen floor. I absolutely hate this part of cleaning our house because it is so hard to do the floors -- we have tile and wood. I usually have to dust mop it, and then sponge mop the whole thing. However, a friend told me she uses two pieces of equipment on her floors (plus broom). She encouraged me to get a Eureka cordless vacuum cleaner and a Shark steam mop. Ken put them together over the weekend and we plugged in the cordless to charge. Oh my gosh, what life savers. The cordless is wonderful. Ken and I worked together. He pushed the cordless while I used the broom to get dust/dirt out of corners for him to vacuum. With the two of us working together it took hardly any time. So, we decided to read instructions and test the steam mop. Oh my! I don't know how we ever lived without this! Within a VERY short time the kitchen floor was CLEAN. We were done, finished, it was over! No sore hips, back, feet, legs, etc.

Because we have the doggies, there will be times we have to clean with a sanitizer such as pinesol or Mr. Clean, but for the most part, those days are few and far between. Tomorrow afternoon I'll tackle the wooden floors. Everyone I've heard from about this machine tells me they love it and it cuts their cleaning time down significantly. Another girlfriend says she buys the Bissel mint water to use in it so it makes the house smell great while steam cleaning! I told Ken while we were doing the kitchen that I think finally I have found the greatest thing since sliced bread!!!

So then what? Well, it didn't take long to do the floor, so after we rested and caught up with emails, we decided to go to Ol' South Pancake House for supper. haven't done that in forever!!! We had German pancakes - I had mine with strawberries and bacon, K. had his with blueberries and link sausage. Afterward we had coffee - I had a divine cup of decaf. I never have coffee, but it was so good.

While we were at Ol' South I returned a phone call to S.C. of TLA to discuss classes that start next week. I've got to do some studying before classes start, but no real big deal. I meet with SC on Wednesday morning so we can go over some game plans for the classes to be held at Tx Workforce. Some of the things normally done with classes held at TLA will have to be different due to the fact that men will be in the TWC classes.

So then home, Ken to watch ball game, and me to piddle. Had some wonderful online conversations with family researchers. I find that even though I have been doing family research for years, I always find a new little nugget of information with each new researcher I meet. With my newly found "cousin," I've learned that my gggrandfather was the sheriff of Jones County, Mississippi.

Also had some online conversation with one of my "children." One of my son's friends from school days. Back then all of his friends called me Mom, and I've been fortunate that some of them have found me on FB and friended me and from time to time send up a shout. They've grown into wonderful fathers and mothers, and are still as wonderful as they were back in the day. I love them all, just as I did and still do my girls' friends, although I don't hear from them. I miss every last one of them.

So now it is time to go to bed. Tomorrow is an exciting day! I get to see, have lunch with, spend the afternoon with, my long-time friend ML! ML lives in Florida, but she USED to live here and we worked together. But she left the company about 20 years ago, I guess, moved to Florida to work for one of our competitors. But she is HERE this week visiting her daughter and family as they ALL get geared up to leave Friday for Seattle and the set sail on the Alaska cruise! I am SO jealous!!! We plan to do that, but not yet. But I don't think we are going to sail from Seattle or Vancouver. I think we are going to fly into Alaska and then take a cruise that way. I've already spoken with a travel agent, so I think we've about got that worked out. But we won't go until next year - after the granddaughter graduates from high school.

That's it for now! Need my beauty sleep -- need lots of it, I think!!! Hugs to all, prayers always.

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