Tuesday, July 13, 2010

July 13, 2010 - 24 Hours After Ken's Surgery

After working from home this morning, I went by the hospital to see DH before heading to the office. It was ot a really good scene. He was so nauseous, just really sick to his tummy, and breakfast was setting in front of him. His glucose level was extremely high - he's off the pump, and all the stress, anesthesia, antibiotics, etc. is making the blood sugar spike. They were unable to give him his daily meds because he would be unable to keep them down. I warned them that they would regret it!! He get in a full-blown tiz without them. However, he actually was pretty good - he was just worried that he wasn't going to get enough insulin to bring the blood sugar down.

I went by after work - he was about in the same condition but a little more awake. He was sitting up in a chair, dinner in front of him, feeling sick to his stomach and hurling in a bucket. He was unable to eat the food. I had taken him a sugar-free strawberry smoothie and he was managing to get that down a little at a time. He had also, earlier this morning, been able to drink a can of glucerna and keep it down. We requested they bring him one for dinner as well. The nurse says they are going to put him back on a liquid diet because right now he's not able to hold food down. Gotta get all the gunk out of his system first.

He's doing very well for what he's been through. He's got pain, which is expected; and he hates the neck brace thingy; and he hates being hooked up to all the tubes. But one day at a time. I'm hoping he will be able to come home before the week is over.

Other news? I came home last night and thought our black cocker mix was dying. She would not or could not get up and took on so badly. The doxie and I went to bed and she never came to the bedroom. this morning I had a difficult time getting her to wake up to go outside - she lay there as though she was dying. But she's not...she takes on like this whenever her daddy is gone. Last year she sat at the door between the house and garage and cried the whole time. This time she just lays there as tho' she's taking her last breaths. Indeed the pets around here are just as dramatic as the rest of the members of this family. I'll post more tomorrow. I've got to find food...I am trying to survive but it's tough - there are no coke zeroes in this house - I failed to buy them over the weekend and I was unable to talk myself into stopping at the store on the way home. I may have to make a trip to CVS before going to bed.

1 comment:

  1. I like your blog posts. It's a good way to get the news. Sometimes I wonder if our loved ones would make it if we weren't there to tell the hospital staff what our patient needs!! You're doing a great job!


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