Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Short post tonight. I'm reading a book and want to get back to it (lol). When cleaning out the garage I found a bin of books that were packed when I moved from my home in Wedgwood way back in 1998. One is a book given to me by a dear friend on a long-ago birthday. The inscription reads, "To my "Old" Friend! May you have many many more Happy birthdays! that would make you a 1000. Love ya!" This, along with some given to me by my daughters way back then, are some of my favorite books ever. The name of this one is The Time of Her Life, by Marjorie Eatock. It's all about a lady who is 55 years old who is about to turn 56. Her life has turned upside down since her husband had a horrible stroke, is in a nursing home, has completely forgotten anything and everything about their 30+ years of life together, only remembers his first wife (committed suicide about 36 years previously) and the daughter he and the first wife had. All the money is gone because it takes every penney to keep the husband in a nursing home. The bank account is overdrawn, there's no money for a haircut or hormone meds to help with the horrible hot flashes, there are many problems with the step daughter she has raised since the age of 3, the son she and husband had is off on business in another country. For the first time the lady is going to have to go to work, and finds a job at the Bunny Burger. So, I gotta get back to the story.

Ken had doc appointment today (endocrinologist). Same one I use. He brought my lab results home. Glucose was 364 average. I've got to get this down to 150 or below or I am going to die,. I'm working on it -- I'm shooting up with insulin every time I breathe.

I woke up about 7:30 this morning, got up sea sick, checked my email, worked the online jigsaw puzzle, felt worse so went back to bed. I slept until about 3:00 today. Got up, still not feeling so well, was planning to cook tonight but just couldn't. Ken got burgers from Whataburger.

Got my final assignment back from Excel online class. Aced that. Took the final exam, made 95. Did the class survey, and that completed the class so I got a record of the class plus a certificate for 1.1 Continued Ed hours to put with my job search stuff to take to Texas Workforce office tomorrow. I also got started on the MSWord training. Ken turned in his first assignment in Word, is waiting to get it back and hoping it is all correct so he can move on to the next section.

Other than that, I got an email from friend Mary McQ. about the "house and estate" sale we are going to participate in. Friend Debbi moved back to Virginia in January and a lot of her things came to my house to await sale so our garage and utility room have been packed since back before Christmas. I'll start taking these things to the estate location next week. Friend Mary and husband Charlie owned an antique mall that is now out of business. After that Charlie got a super deal on a house that needed renovating/remodeling. Think he paid about $12,000 but had to do equal that plus more to the house to make it ready to sell or rent. Work is just about done, so the sale will take place the weekend after Memorial Day. They are moving furniture, etc., into it to look lived in. I'm picking up a key to the house this weekend so I can move Debbi's things over to the house as well. Hoping everything sells.

Got text message from daughter-in-law Nicky. Was good to hear from her. Exchanged FB message with granddaughter out of state. Got message from great niece Katie - she saw picture of her afghan, she loves it. Wish I could hear from my daughters and grandchildren. I miss them so DDDD much.

That's it. Gonna go read.

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