Monday, April 16, 2012

Monday, April 16, 2012

Sometimes we fail in life, and sometimes we need to remember that no matter how bad we've been, how many times we've failed, or how many horrible things we've done, there is grace that covers it all. Copy the link and read the story of one very special young lady at (Note: I haven't yet figured out how to make links "live" on blogspot.

Now, on to my day. I remembered the diagnosis I was given several years ago! Instead of MS or MD, it is unconfirmed Charcot Marie Tooth disease, which is inherited. It affects the feet, legs and can affect the hands as well. I've never known anyone in my family to have it - on either side!! But I know someone who has it. I don't have the "wasting" away of the legs, but have the foot issues and the problems walking/balancing.

So, what's been happening! Yesterday, Sunday, we intended to head to Oakgrove Baptist Church. No way am I ever going to get anywhere for an 8:30 service, so we were planning to attend the 11:00 service in the ROC. No. 1, we have no idea what the ROC is - we've never been to the church - but we know it's not the sanctuary because we looked at a map of the church property! Must be the life center, so we're guessing it's one of those "modern" services with the rock band and all those monotonous choruses that go on and on and on and on. We don't like that, so we try to go to traditional services. When we know a service is going to be like that, we intentionally go late so we don't have to deal with the music.

HOWEVER, we didn't make it. We were up in time - Luci had a bad night and was up at 4:30, which means we were ALL up at 4:30!! About the time we were going to dress and head out we had big storms hit in our area. I don't like driving or being a passenger in thunder and lightening storms and rain downpours, so we stayed home again. We'll try again week after next. We have other things going on this coming weekend.

We didn't do anything major - Sunday is a down day. I worked on Katie Jo's afghan a bit, need to get it completed. And I worked on my blog site quite a bit developing a couple of stand-alone pages, one for my collection of sewing machines, and one about some of the things I've made. Have work to do on both pages.

Today Luci and Maggie went to the groomer at Petsmart. We have to be careful with Maggie - she's 12+ years old now, has a lot of those old knots all over her, she's lost some sight, but is still a very good natured baby. We worry about her at the groomer because she gets really anxious when she's anywhere except at home or on the motorhome and walking with us. And we worry about Luci because she's so little and she has asthma attacks when she gets stressed/panicked. Ken worried all day until the call came that they were ready. Bennie worried because he had no idea where the heck we took them! We don't take him to the groomer - we just take him to the vet and get his nails trimmed. We bathe him at home.

Ken got the rest of the dead evergreen tree cut down to the same height as the first one - only about 3 feet of big round trunk branches left now. Our friends Larry and Linda saw the post on Facebook about us going to rent a power saw to finish the job, so they called today and Larry has volunteered to come help Ken. Yea! Friends are the neatest things in life!!! This is really nice of Larry because he has tons of his own work to do -- they're house burned to the ground last year when the nut in their area decided to burn trash or brush or something and set the entire area on fire. L&L lost everything -- vehicles, house, barns, pets, everything. They've been trying to build a new house ever since and keep running into problems. Anyway, Larry thinks he can take the rest of the dang evergreens down with an ax and shovel. But he plans to buy a new chain saw this weekend so he might use that.

I tried on the swim suits I got at the outlet store...hope it is VERY dark when I get in the pool or hot tub! (lol) Bennie and I have just got to start walking!!! Everything I bought fits...surprised about that. Steroids/anti-rejection drugs are killing my attempts at weight loss.

After dropping off the dogs at the groomer this morning, we stopped at Joann so I could get backing fabric and batting to finish the quilt for great niece Presley. I started working on the backing when we got home, but gave it up until I can get this dang sewing room shoveled out because right now I don't have room to work. Her quilt is almost twin size so I need the space. I asked Ken today if he thought Bennie will let me use the king bed for a while tomorrow so I can lay out the quilt "sandwich." (backing, batting, quilt top). I don't pin the quilt together, I use a basting adhesive spray. makes life much easier than dealing with all those safety pins.

While at Joann's I picked up some fat quarters that were on sale - in various pinks. Ken asked if I was making Luci a new dress -- he thinks that's all I do now days! I really didn't get them for her, I got them for me. They'll make a nice charity quilt to be donated by my blanketeer group.

Guess that's about it. We're pretty boring.

John 3:16. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him might not perish but have everlasting life.

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