Thursday, August 2, 2012

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Dog days of summer! Dang heat makes it miserable to go anywhere, so I don't. Haven't been out of the house in several days except to take the doggies out to the back yard. The heat doesn't seem to bother K. so much so he has done all the running for us.

We didn't go to the Chick-Fil-A thing yesterday, even though we both support the guy's freedom of speech to say what he believes, along with his freedom to use his money to support whatever he wants to. Our beliefs align with his as we believe what the Bible says is true. Several folks have said they intend to show up at the Friday "Kiss-In" by the gays to show opposite behavior via heterosexuals. I think the entire idea is disgusting. I am so tired of having the gay lifestyle shoved down my throat. I don't care what they do; it's their choice. Just keep it away from me. It's as perverted as anything else - prostitution, child molestation, incest, etc., so no matter how one tries to dress it up, it's still perverted.

So, on to other things. Been a good lazy week. Got a lot of work done on family research...spent a lot of this week back in the late 1700's and 1800's studying various family branches/members. Amazing how much information is online now days. Certainly a lot different from when I started research back in 1981 by going through roll after roll of microfilm!

I had to run the oven on "clean" this week. Surprisingly after dreading it for a couple of days it didn't cause that much difference in indoor temperature. We turned it on about 8 o'clock in the evening on the 3 hour setting. Worked like a charm! All I had to do was wipe it out with a damp paper towel the next morning. A great improvement over our previous self cleaner that made a mess of the entire kitchen by exploding mess all over the sides, cabinets, walls and floor, and ruining the seal around the door.

So, today I gotta go get the face cleaned up (straw beard has to go), go get a new FWISD badge made (my first name is misspelled on the current one), stop by the grocery store to get fixings for a cobbler for project day tomorrow, and then take life as it comes. Well, I DO have to hang up laundry today! And I hate that part of it.

Gotta run. Not much going on in our world. K. looking for a job. That's about it.

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