Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Been looking at pre-owned motorhomes; have decided to stop; if/when God thinks we're ready he'll lead us to the right one.

Hubby has been to specialist due to pain, numbness and tingling in his right arm/hand. Diagnosis is ulnar neuropathy (sp?). And it appears he has onset of Parkinson's. He will be having surgery as soon as the doc's office get's it scheduled; we're hoping for next week so that the healing process can begin.

I haven't done a thing about trying to tear down and fix the Brother sewing machine that cousin Judy sent to me. the wiring has been rigged on it so can't plug it in and really wouldn't want to until it can be fixed. I've got to do something about that so can get a machine to cousin Mason, but I think I want Andrea (Mason's wife) to have a better sewing machine - so I'm looking around. May send one of mine to her.

Work on Hubby's t-shirt quilt is going slowly...can't seem to work up the "want to" to get busy on this quilt. I would like to finish it so I can move on but am not enjoying working on it so it is slow going - more like a chore than enjoyable.

Luci Grace is growing up - she turned 5 months old on the 16th - and thank goodness her hair is growing back out from that horrible grooming job she got. She's beginning to look like "Lambie" again, which is how we like her to look. We are having a problem with her and her house training...she's decided the back hallway is the place to do her business...I don't know how we are going to stop that, but stop it must. I've cleaned this place dozens of times with "don't mess here" stuff, but it is not deterring her one bit.

Maggie the spaniel is much better - she seems to be over the upper respiratory infection. Bennie Jo had a touch of it, but seems to have escaped a long duration. Thankfully Luci has not shown any sign of it. Mollie the cat coughs her head off all of the time - or sneezes. She has allergies. and Sally does just fine - just sleeps all day and night.

I made a Hawaiian bundt cake for a party last weekend. Everybody loved it and asked for the recipe. I'm enjoying finally in my old age learning to do the things that other ladies have done for so long. I still do not like to cook meals, but at least the things that I'm trying to do are working out well. I made chocolate chip cookies Sunday evening. I was making cookies every week but stopped because we don't need them - but I mentioned them Sunday afternoon. When I got up from a nap Ken had everything set out on the counter ready for me to make them. He's addicted to the chocolate chip cookies so that's what I made.

Went by my brother's place late yesterday afternoon. He's just doing so badly. He had a bad couple of days. I know he's scared because he doesn't know how long he has on this earth but knows it is not long. I think if he would throw the cigarettes away that he would do much better and would probably live longer, but he's not going to do it. Not that it would reverse the heart failure, kidney failure, or lung failure, but I think it would make him feel much better.

I've got to make it to Joann's to get some yarn and/or fabric for lap quilts. Katie Jo and Austin have moved into the "new" house and she has let me know her colors are black, brown, and tan. Niece Brenda answered my email about her colors - Navy, beige and white, so I need to get busy on both of those.

Oh, forgot something...Ken went to the drug store for me last night about 8:15. He got back about 8:45, pulled into the garage, got out of the car and there was a man in our driveway approaching him. Ken told him to stop, stay where he was; the guy did. But Ken said it was odd...said the guy ask him if he knew anyone who wanted to buy a glass top table and chairs. Of course Ken didn't...but who would be wandering up into someone's driveway at night to ask something like that? Ken didn't know the guy, wasn't one of our neighbors. So, I slept with one eye open wondering what the heck that was about. I figure Ken was lucky last night.

Guess that's all this time...

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