Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thursday, August 18, 2011

It's almost midnight, I'm about to turn into a pumpkin. Tomorrow is my Friday off - I will spend it in a class learning how to do freezer paper applique for quilting. Our quilting group will be making a sun bonnet sue group quilt which will be donated. But, I will learn how to make the block and then be able to make a quilt of my own.

Yesterday I received the company "invitation" to volunteer to leave employment. I've decided I'm going to do it. I was only going to work another year or so anyway. The concern has been the cost of insurance. We'll put away the amount of the premiums from the severance package so that we can reimburse ourselves the amount that is held out of the retirement check each month. My other big concern is I am so afraid of being homeless. I was homeless a very long time ago when my children were very young and I had no where to live. I am just terrified of not having the funds to pay for food and shelter. I know that sounds crazy, because we should have plenty, but it doesn't take much for medical to eat up every dime.

So, we are going to buy a pre-owned motorhome from the severance money - nothing fancy - but something so that I will know that we will always have a place to live. It would be hard, but I just need that security!!! At least that's what we're thinking right now...that could turn into purchasing a mobile home and property.

Saturday I will go to the second session of the quilt class I started last weekend. I haven't had time this week to work on any of it, but the instructor assures us that's ok. We're going to be learning different ways of adding borders and trim this week, and learning different ways to actually quilt the tops we make.

My last day at work will be November 29 of this year; retirement benefits will begin December 1. I've got to get all the paperwork completed and submitted. I've got to study them this weekend - I brought them home with me. Now that I've made the decision, even though I'm frightened of being without a job, I am getting somewhat excited. At least two of my co-workers are taking the opportunity as well. So we are a smiling group this week. Next week I'll begin to clean out my things and start handing off years of stuff to someone else. I think my give a hoot is busted.

It's been a good couple of weeks. No real problems on the homefront. Must confess I'm wondering how my time will be occupied after retirement, but we've got some plans. Get back to the gym during the morning, fix some good meals for a change, visit some art galleries and museums, take some interesting classes at TCC, have lunch with friends, slow down and take life easy. No more jumping up, hitting the shower, throwing on clothes, grabbing purse and lunch and running out the door.

Goodnight folks - God bless you in every way.

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