Today has been a "take it easy" day...Ken not doing great at all, and I'm still recovering. Before I go to bed tonight I will get the kitchen cleaned up (floors). Ken washed all rugs/mats. It's been tough, but we're hanging in there. The two "nappers" caught in the pic above represent about what we got done today!
Police detectives have been out the last couple of days - they're investigating the shooting that occurred last week when someone tried to kill our neighbor ... bullet casings all in our driveway, the street in front of our house, the yard, and the neighbor's car. We have nothing to help the detectives except that I heard the shots (Ken was asleep and did not hear them). Hope they are able to piece together information. They told Ken that our neighborhood is being patrolled much more than it was previously. I guess that's a good thing but it doesn't say anything positive about our neighborhood!
New Dinner Place
We went to a different place for dinner tonight - Zorro's. I haven't been there before, and it's been about 3 years since Ken ate there. It was ok - buffet style. The food was ok, but nothing to write home about. We're looking for something to take the place of Luby's since they've gone to pot. Don't think Zorro's is the answer.
Beautiful Angel, Erin Attel
Heard from work today - the 5 year old daughter of work friends has been battling the monster that invaded her body for quite some time. Courtesy of Make a Wish she went to Disney World a few months ago, but now she is at home and she will be going to heaven soon. She has not had intake of food, etc., for four days now. I just hate this for Monica and Ed. They are such wonderful people, and Erin was one of two precious gifts after years of trying for a child. What does one say to parents of a child who is dying? How can one help? I don't think there is anything that can be done or said. I cannot imagine the pain they are suffering as they watch this child fading away. I pray she is not suffering.
Finding a Job
On another note, I got job offers today. I signed up for part-time merchandising work and have received several offers. I haven't responded...not sure about some of them. Have you seen food demonstrators? How about those people who sell cookware or knives at fairs? What about folks who go into a store to remove products from a shelf, reface and redo the products? Well, it's along those lines. Except one offer is an electronics company, but they want someone to work every day - and I don't want to. Have to do something, however, because money is t-i-g-h-t!!! Will be better next year when I'm 65 and insurance is less, and when Saturn is paid off. In the meantime, need part-time work. I may be applying at Wal-Mart, Walgreen's, or CVS as well as other close-by places. Don't care where I work - just need to bring in a little cash - and don't want to work full time.
Wanting to go on vacation, but having a hard time this year because I don't want to leave Luci and Bennie behind. Bennie is my "little boy" - hand raised, totally attached; and Luci is the little girl dog baby I should have had all these years. I fall for her more every day and so does Ken.
Oh, well, enogh old lady ramblings for today...rest well.
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