Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sunday, April 8, 2012 - Easter

Easter Sunday

Very quiet day. I am recovering from the crud, but didn't wake up until 10:56 a.m. And now Ken has the symptoms I have had...bad sore throat, coughing, chills, etc. It is 11:13 p.m. here and Ken went to bed some time ago with one of my antibiotics and Robitussin. I hope he recovers quicker than me, and hope I don't get it again from him.

So, we got nothing done, and did nothing important. Played on the computer a bit, flipped thru TV channels. About 6 p.m. we managed to drive to Luby's for dinner. Wow! It's been about a month since we were in there and in that short amount of time the place has really gone down.

I think next Sunday we will visit a nearby church - Oakgrove Baptist. Some of my cousins go there and it is not too far - off of 1187. We are ready to get into a Bible-based/believing church. We have definitely decided to leave the church I've called my church home since 1974/75.


When we first moved here, my friend Penny Comparini gave us a very tiny plant - we have no idea what it is. We made the mistake of planting it next to the patio on the west side. It grew up to be as tall as the house and every year we have to cut it back because it grows so wide that it spreads under the patio cover. I'm always threatening to spray it with killer. Well guess what! This year that thing has small white blooms on it! And we have butterflies by the hundreds in that shrub! Ken keeps going out to the yard and just standing there looking at all the butterflies! I guess we won't be cutting down that one after all.


Tomorrow we start cutting down the two evergreens in the back - one by each patio post. They died due to the drought last year. No matter how much Ken watered them, they just didn't make it. They are very big, so we will just start cutting branches and sawing on them until we get them down small enough to dig out. It is so sad to see them go. Ken planted those about the first summer we were here - in 2002.

Most everything in the yard has been planted as a celebration - the birth of a grandchild, a special day, etc. So it hurts to see things go. We are excited, however, that several things are coming back -- we thought for sure the maiden grass was dead, and thought the rose bush by the mail box was gone. but both are greening up! The tree in the front has leaves, and the crepe myrtle in the back is already green! We've got to trim the wisteria...unfortunately almost all the pretty part of it is in the neighbors back yard, having grown over the fence. Still, we've got to cut back dead branches. And we need to transplant lots of jew from the front yard to the front tree bed. It helps hold in moisture so we want lot of it under that tree. We had to put out ant killer last week and are having to wait before we can do anything else. All the grass that Ken put in last year died in the drought, so we have to get more. And we've got to get fertilizer out on the yard, along with flea and tick treatment.

We're thinking about possibly putting in a small above ground pool - maybe 15' x 48". We'll see. We've got to see if we have enough level yard for that. At the same time we're thinking about saying to heck with all of it and moving into an apartment or buying a condo. Just do not want all this maintenance any more, but then again...

So, so much for today. Hopefully tomorrow will be the beginning of a better week. Love to all...

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