The sewing room is a disaster! Today is January 23, 2013, and I have been working to purge stuff from this room since Christmas. I've given away, sold, donated, thrown away. I am now down to needing to organize this room and make it pretty/girly. I don't know where to start!
The following pictures are of this disaster. All suggestions appreciated; judgments not so much.
This is looking into the sewing room from the hallway door. That door leads to a walk-in closet that is full - it contains a cabinet filled with music and music items; boxes stacked on the shelves that are full of family/ancestor pictures, documents, things; files that are full of family history records. This closet also has a few clothing items and miscellaneous things that will be removed so that the sewing room can be expanded into the closet.

Update February 10, 2013: I have cleaned up and rearranged the sewing room. It is now ready for decoration. Got rid of a lot of stuff but still have quite a bit but it all fits and fits icely. Now need to get table skirt and top for work table done along with room curtains and curtains for the big storage shelf unit and the overhead shelves (to hide the junk). I think it's going to turn out cute when it is finished. See my post for Sunday, February 10, 2013, for a video of where things reside now. I will update pictures or video when room is complete.
Anxious to see how you decorated your sewing room.