These two pillows were made from the very last of the scraps of the fabric left from daughter B's dress. I've been saving these remnants for years thinking I would do something "some day." At least now I won't need to worry about it any more - it's done!As far as the quilt is concerned, I had a real pickle of a time getting it done. I didn't have quite enough fabric to make all the blocks and ended up having to piece things together to make some of the 3" squares. Just made it by the skin of my teeth having enough fabric to make the 9" bricks. The backing of the quilt is done in Christmas fabric that has all kind of little dogs all over it. Miss B loves her doggies and has about 4 of them...I think she has 3 doxies and one beagle, not sure, but the backing has it all - so cute.
I had this quilt professionally quilted by Karen Wilson - she did the quilting in Christmas poinsetta pattern in red thread. It turned out to be quite stunning. Well, at least I was pleased with it after I finished the binding. I did the binding in black.
I gave the quilt to Miss B for Christmas, but haven't given her the pillows. That's because I still have not made/completed the ones for daughter M. I ran out of strength, time, stamina. So guess what they'll get this year!!!
This is just a fun quilt I made out of 2.5" strips sewn together and then cut into 4 pieces and turned in opposite directions. I call this one Purple Madness. It is the first time I've experimented with using corner stones on a quilt. I also experimented with "stitch in the ditch" on this one. A silly little quilt but makes me happy. This one now hangs on the wall in my sewing room. For some reason I enjoy looking at it. (For those wondering, hubby really does have a face and body - it's just that he's always hiding behind the quilts so all one ever sees are his hands, legs and maybe his feet.)
I made this little quilt in 9 patch blocks and then put the blocks together. I did it this way to practice nesting the seams. It turned out ok. I used silver metallic thread to quilt it -- according to "the pro's" that's a no-no, but I believe in doing what pleases me and ignoring the rules. This little quilt was sent to Colorado - not as a real Christmas gift, but as packing to keep the Christmas stuff from moving around!!!
Ah! I wanted a new blanket for the dachshund, Bennie Jo. He loves blankets and has the two that I made for my daughters back when they were in high school 20 years ago! They are kinda ratty looking now days so I thought I would make a replacement. I had a bunch of scraps so just threw this one together not caring how it came out. For the binding I used scraps, too, not caring whether or not any of it matched, just making it scrappy all the way around. Turns out the dachshund did not adjust to the new blanket, preferring his old ones instead, so I have this one on the back of my computer chair and wrap up in it myself in the evenings while on the computer because hubby likes to keep the house cool to the point of icicles hanging off the body. This one could use a lot more quilting on it, and some day I'm going to press it and try my hand at some free motion "S" curves along the larger strips.
The quilting group elected making sunbonnet sue blocks for one of the project days. I try very hard not to get involved in anything involving handwork because I've never been very good at it. However, I want to make a sunbonnet sue quilt for myself so decided to participate and give it my best shot. I truly struggled with this effort. We used the "paper piecing" method for this -- I won't do that again. And the whole endeavor reminded me of participating in a kindergarten project! I managed to get glue on the "dress" fabric, could not get the silly thing to go together correctly. Finally gave it up and did it my way. Next time I do one of these I'll do it a much easier way! But, all-in-all, considering handwork is NOT my forte, it turned out ok. I intend to practice this a lot more - until I have at least 12-16 practice blocks - and then make a quilt out of it for myself...but that's in my "some day" bucket.
This is the backing of the Christmas quilt I made for daughter M. I finished her quilt either the day we delivered packages to them or the night before (wee hours). I got in such a hurry I completely forgot to take a picture of the finished quilt for my album. I sent her a note and asked her to take a picture of it so I would have it but that never happened. Therefore, this is all I have of that project. It turned out cute - it was also made from the remnant of fabrics left from her Christmas dress from about 1990. It was done in 9 patch squares to look like a single Irish chain.
In addition to a few fun quilts, I got the hair brain idea of making reversible Christmas vests for my grandchildren. Not being allowed to see them means I have no idea what sizes they are so of course I guessed a bit too small. This picture is a couple of the grandchildren modeling the silly things. The boys' vests were denim with a lining made from Christmas fabric; the girls' vests were made with the backing fabrics from my two daughters' Christmas quilts and the fabric from the Christmas dresses of long ago.