Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sunday, December 2, 2012

A GOOD day!  I've learned to appreciate each and every GOOD day!!!

Yesterday was grandson Jacob's 9th birthday.  I wasn't invited, of course, and I didn't get to see him - also of course.  But, I thought about him all week and got his gift cards mailed last Thursday and hopefully he got them.  I'll never know, but I've decided to be ok anyway.

Ken went to the store for me early this get supplies for making Christmas goodies.  Today was quilting club Christmas party.  I made some peppermint bark and peanut butter fudge.  The bark was/is good; the fudge is good but it overcooked a bit and set up a little "dry."  the good thing is, it won't matter!  Ken and I will dip it in chocolate and it will be just fine.  As for the peppermint bark, we like to drop a bit of that in a cup of coffee.  This was our favorite drink when we were out camping...I think it will taste just fine out on the back porch.

Our little Christmas party was fun -- I love being with these ladies...they are all so smart, intelligent mind blowing women.  It feeds my brain as well as my soul to be with these ladies.  They are mostly employed by or retired from my former employer so they truly are bright women, plus they are talented, crafty women.  I keep hoping that just being with them will somehow make me better at the simply things I do!

Anyway, we play a dice game - have no idea what it is called - Left, Right, Center.  Everyone gets chips.  In turn each one throws the dice.  The player must do whatever the dice show when they are thrown.  If one indicates left, a chip is given to the person to the left; same with right; and if one says center, a chip is placed in the center of the table.  The last person with chips left wiuns the game.  Some pretty neat prizes are given out after each game.

Today I got a fat quarter that has coffee cups/kitcheny things on it.  It will be perfect for making a half apron!  I will need to add some sashing to each side as well as to the bottom; and will need to make the waist band and ties as well as the pocket out of something different.  I've been wanting to make a new apron, and this is perfect for that.

The other prize I got is fabric to make one of those fast pillowcases like I made for all the various members of the family for Christmas 2010.  It's cupcake fabric with some plain brown for trim along with some dot fabric for the pillowcase top.  These are so easy to make - should take about an hour or less.  Directions say to wash the fabric first - not sure I want to do that (lol).  I love unwashed fabrics!  But experience tells me these 100% cotton pillowcases wrinkle like all get out!  I made some for Kenneth out of University of Texas fabric...they always need to be ironed...I'm not into ironing!

This evening we went to Chili's - we shared a burger and salad.  I needed something to counter all the SWEET from the party.  Oh, my, it was all good.  And I love the coffee at Susan's house -- it's perked coffee...and I can certainly tell the difference in it and drip coffee.  Kenneth found my percolator (sp?) and I think I'll make a pot of decaf for tomorrow evening after dinner.  Ken will be gone all day tomorrow with his playmates to celebrate friend Chuck's birthday (it's a guy lunch/party) so I'll be spending tomorrow alone.  Maybe I'll finally finish cleaning the den and get a few Christmas things out.  No one's going to be at our house, but maybe we will feel better about Christmas if we put out a few things.

That's about it - I need to do a few things then crawl into bed.  I hope I sleep - I usually don't and get back up but I'm tired so maybe I will.  Maybe I'll dream of my kiddos again.  I think my wishing they would show up at the front door to surprise me is working it's way into my dreams.  That's not going to happen, but oh, well.  It's better than nightmares.

And so, the end of another weekend.

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