Monday, December 17, 2012

Monday, December 17, 2012

Had Ken wake me up when he left for work this morning - then promptly went back to sleep -- didn't wake up 'til after 10 a.m.  Oh, well, not like I really have to do anything!

Made a batch of the easy peppermint bark and let it cool while I was waking up.  finally made it out the door a little after noon and went to the post office to mail the tin of cookies/candy to Colorado to my son and his family.  Now to get the rest of their stuff put together tomorrow so I can get it mailed off!  Thank goodness that's all I'm doing this year in the way of getting things to people!  I will have a few things for my two daughters' families but nothing like in past years, and I'm not too concerned about getting those packed and mailed.  The way things are right now, I will probably do with those packages what I've done with some other things - get them boxed or bagged and just put them in the front bedroom so that someday when I'm dead and gone maybe someone will get their stuff to them.  I'm just not going to disrespect myself again by making arrangements to drop off things as I've done the past 3 Christmases.  I finally got THAT message loud and clear last year.  (Made a run through the toy department tonight, looked at everything and the prices and considered buying things for the kiddos, but then I thought about the fact that I haven't been allowed to have anything to do with these children in 4 years -- why am I concerned about buying gifts for them?  So, I left the store.)  We're not buying for Ken's dad/step-mother this year either...they made it pretty clear they want nothing to do with us; and we're not buying for Ken's son's family either - for the same reason.  Being disowned by both sides of the family is certainly saving us bucks this year.

SO, now need to make a batch of cookies to take to my kidney doctor -- he's a cookie 'holic, but like me doesn't need to be.  And need to get a cookie bucket made up for the housekeeper.  Other than that I need to finish a little bit of shopping for Ken - then I'll be done.  We're still trying to figure out what we are going to do about Christmas Day -- we may just drive up to Win Star for the day -- it will beat sitting around here being depressed!  and we see no point in cooking all that food for just the two of us.

That's it for today...nothing to report, as usual.  God bless.

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