Up next is a quilt for great niece Presley. Presley is a 4-year old diva, daughter of my nephew Michael. She is the youngest child, with two older brothers - and the boys are a bit older than her. And she's all girl, except for the fact that she likes to go fishing. The fellow who eventually gets this little diva better have a pretty strong personality (lol)!!
Right behind Presley's quilt is a project for another niece, Brenda. Brenda is decorating her house in Gone With The Wind and is hoping for a couple of dolls - maybe Barbie size or a little larger - dressed as Scarlet and Rhett. I offered to buy her a set but she wants me to make them so she can hand them down to her kiddos. I found the pattern for Scarlett, still have to come up with appropriate pattern for Rhett costume.
SO! What else is happening? I don't remember that we did anything on Saturday -- seems that we just spent the day working on resumes and training stuff. I did tell Ken that I wanted to get out of the house on Sunday - I knew I would spend the day depressed and crying because of the kids and grandkids. We had a slow morning on Sunday, in fact I slept until after lunch. Then we took Luci and drove down to Granbury and strolled around the square a bit. Luci was a little iff getting into the car - she didn't know exactly what was about to happen, but she settled down on the way and had a grand time greeting everybody on the sidewalks who stopped to talk with her and pet her. She was one tuckered out little girl afterwards and fell asleep on the way home. We got back home about 4 and ate the KFC chicken we bought on the way home. We have never yet had KFC get an order correct. Even when we make them repeat it. And sure enough the 2 apple turnovers we ordered and paid for were not in the bag -- and it was too far to drive back to get them. About 8 pm we decided to go to Braum's for ice cream, then shopped at Braum's for a few groceries.
I had pre-warned Ken that on Monday I was planning to back out the cars and work on the garage. I thought it would take us an hour or so to take everything out and clean up, including washing the floor. OMG, we worked on that thing all day long. There were so many bins and boxes that had not been opened since I moved here in 2001!! A lot of pictures, papers, things that belong to my kids, way too much to go thru during clean out. A couple of bins got put in the house in the back hallway so I've got to go thru those and get things sent to kids. Even though none of them talk to me any more, these things are not mine and I need to be sure they get them.
We finally, with butts dragging, got the confounded garage cleaned out, trash thrown out, floor swept and washed, sat while it dried, then put stuff back in some kind of orderly fashion. We were both wiped out. Thankfully while at Braum's I had picked up a frozen meatloaf, a carton of microwavable mashed potatoes, we opened a can of Pork and Beans, and a can of sliced peaches. We called it supper - at least I did. If Ken called it anything it was dinner -- he is not a REAL Texan.
Later Ken said some very nasty words to me - something along the lines of, "The bad thing is, the shed's next." I don't even want to think about it, because after that is the attic.
Ken took a shower and hit the bed, all the critters went with him. I stayed up, worked on an Excel assignment, did some job searches, piddled, and finally about 2 am took a shower and washed my hair. No way could I have gone to bed nasty.
Today Ken went to his MHMR appointment while I stayed home working on budget and bills. I don't know how we are going to make it, but I know we will. (I've lived long enough to know we will.) I pulled our individual credit reports today as well because we need to be aware of those for employment purposes. Some places will not hire unless we have perfect credit, and we have some bumps. We're working on them, but they still show up. Both of them were certainly higher than I anticipated!
I've been searching for refinancing for the house - at least I know my credit score won't keep us from doing it. But then I also figured out that the credit score won't prevent us from buying a different house either. And neither one of us want to live in this area any more. Has NOTHING to do with the neighbors, we've always been a mixed working class good neighborhood. We just don't want to live in a bedroom community that is so dang far away from everything! I want a gas station close by, and want to be around the corner from a store. Where we are now it takes forever to get out of the area before we can even head for a store. So, lots of things to think about. And there is a house on the market that I would dearly love to have - it's the 2 story plan that I had hoped one day to buy...unfortunately it is in the same neighborhood and immediately across the street from the house my daughter owned when she was married. And she now lives not very far from there. I don't think she would want me living anywhere close to her. She hates me.
Oh, yes. Got a call from a recruiter. He asked me what programming languages I use. I told him I don't actually use any, although I am familiar with lots of them. I asked him if he had reviewed my resume - he said he had glanced at it. So I told him if he had read it he would know that I manage software projects, that coders actually do the programming. It was apparent he was a newby and had no clue about my experience - because I am definitely not unique. Once we were finished talking about my resume he inquired again about what languages I use. Once again I said I don't code. He says, oh, you're IT. I said no, I am a software engineer who manages software projects. At that point I thanked him for calling and ended the call.
That's about it! Always hoping life gets better. Ken has doc appointments tomorrow, and I've got a workshop to attend.
So I'll end with this song - dedicated to my mother: Knowing What I Know About Heaven, sung by Guy Penrod
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