No exciting news today. Felt pretty good when I got up, put stew fixings in the crockpot(how is it that we have no cans of green beans?), checked emails and job opportunities, worked the free online jigsaw puzzle (, told Ken the burgundy rug is getting washed today.
While I was getting the stew put on I asked Ken to take the things out of the dryer so that the mattress pad in the washer could be put in the dryer. On the way through the utility room to the garage I noted that indeed he had taken the clean clothes out of the dryer - and thrown them right down in the dirty nasty basket with all the wet towels, dish rags, dish towels, dirt in the basket, etc. I came unglued. It is not possible for this man to be this stupid!!! All of it had to be completely rewashed, wasting time I needed for a million other loads, wasting electricity, etc. I really am at my rope's end with this man. What the hell could cause him to do something this stupid!!! I think he does this chit intentionally. Be that as it may, I reminded him to call his doctor, because he cannot live here acting crazy and doing the crazy chit he's doing. It's affecting my own health. And it really bothers me because sometimes he acts perfectly intelligent, but so much of the time he's living in the land of the lost.
So, I take the nasty burgundy oriental rug out of the garage, place it on the driveway, put the dawn dishwashing liquid and water in the sprayer container, turn on the water, we finally get it all adjusted so that it flows correctly, and then Ken asks me where the rug came from!!! It's like he's never seen it before. Ken, this is the rug that was under the dining table when the table was in the den in front of the big windows. Oh. He pretends to remember, but he doesn't.
Fortunately the sun was bright and it was hot today. After both sides of the rug were washed and rinsed we left it in the sun to dry (upside down so the front would not fade so much). It was almost dry by 5 or so; we moved it into the garage for overnight. I want to move it outside again tomorrow so that it airs out well. I may redo it with vinegar just to make sure all the odors are out of it. With two dogs and two cats (been in the garage since we got Luci), the rug has seen days of animals all over it.
Hopefully later this week we'll get the navy oriental rug done as well. After that we still have a green one from our bedroom to do as well as the one on the back porch.

Anyway, I konked out in the recliner - woke up drooling all over myself. Ken actually had to go to bed for a while because he, too, wasn't feeling so great.
Did some more job searching today, posted resume at some job sites, exchanged emails with my former manager. I'm still answering questions from work from time to time.
Other than that, I made cornbread, we had stew for dinner. Ken went to his room and watched the ball game (Rangers), and I watched Dancing With The Stars. Have NO idea why I watched it - I don't usually. I wanted to see how well Melissa Gilbert did. Not bad considering she's an "old" broad now.
Much later, after Ken went to bed I fixed some popcorn, checked emails and Facebook, and jotted down the boring nonsense on this post.
Just had a text message from Tamara checking on us. Nice to have at least one kid who gives a DDDD whether I live or die.
Tomorrow is doc day again (eyes, Dr. Matthews), then a resume workshop at Texas Workforce Commission, then tomorrow night a meeting with the Volks Folks. Busy day, won't get much done. So, take care - 'til next time.
Love this song by Keith Whitley and Lorrie Morgan. Keith is in our Kilgore family tree. Til Each Tear You Cry Becomes a Rose
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