Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Wow, this past week has been a whirlwind. So much to do at work, yet my last day is this coming Thursday. I don't figure I will get it all done before I leave. Oh, well.

Wednesday was my baby granddaughter's birthday; we took her birthday bag of gifts to her house Wed. night. Instead of leaving the bag on the front porch we were invited in and got to say hello to my 8 year old grandson and to the 2 year old granddaughter. We got to stay long enough to watch the baby open her gifts. This daughter lives next door to my other daughter, so I was pleasantly surprised when my other 3 grandchildren came over as well (ages 12, 11, 8). I have not seen them in over 2 years. My other daughter also came over before we left.

It was very awkward, very strange. It was like being with strangers. But I was so thrilled to get to see them all. It was a wonderful. Unfortunately it meant the next day we had to take back all the clothing articles we had purchased for them for Christmas! They've all grown so much that not a thing we had purchased would ever fit them. we've decided we won't buy anything like that for them! We will probably just give them gift cards.

Yesterday was BUSY! We got up early, got package ready to mail to son and family, actually got thru the line at the post office, went to grocery store, stopped at Dollar Tree, and then came home to rest (lol) a bit. Last night we went to a Christmas party...we all contribute to the food for these. The hostesses set the menu and send out the recipes. I am trying to learn to cook and had never before done fresh asparagus. But, I got thru it - learned how to break off the woody ends, blanched them, put them in the ice water bath, made the marinade, and actually did an ok job. They blanched a bit too long for finger food, but they were sure good!!

Today I had two Christmas shindigs to attend - One for our quilting group (cookie/goodie exchange), and then an ornament exchange. That meant I got up at the crack of dawn this morning and made cookies -- first I made chocolate chip, then I made peanut butter. I made enough to send a big tin of cookies to my son's family so hopefully we'll get those mailed in the morning.

I have done zilch Christmas shopping - well, almost zilch. I've got to get busy. I don't usually work this last work week of the year, but am having to this year since my last day on the payroll is this week. That means I'm going to have to make my way to the malls and toy store after work every day! Sure hope to heck I get it all done. Would be easier if I knew what to buy everybody!!

I am looking for a redneck wine glass for my husband -- one of those Mason Jar stemmed wine glasses.

Until next time -

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