Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Door bell rang a bit ago -- I've been reading lots of horror stories of bad guys breaking in on old people and doing physical harm.  K was in bed already and no way was I going to the door.  K got up, dressed, then he and the dog went to check on who was out there.  Found no one.  We figure it was the neighbor because when K checked our garage door was open.  The neighbors around here are good at letting one another know if the garage door is left open.  At least the adrenalin got to flowing!

Let's see...I've built a Facebook page for the Six Flags Chapter (Texas), Daughters of the American Revolution.  I made myself and fellow chapter member and officer Diane admins on it.  I've sent out invites to all chapter members and we've been surprised at who all has actually visited and joined the site (must be member of DAR).  Diane and I have also sent invitations to a few of the national committee folks to come visit our site and join it.  We've been experimenting with it, learning about it, etc., and laughing because every time we do something those who accepted membership are out there checking out what we are doing even though we are "testing" it.  It's funny because most of the ladies are in their 80's but they are really "hip" as far as getting on the computers!  Sometimes before we have time to check something they've already hit the like button!

Since this is Diane's idea, and since Diane has been elected to be the next Regent of Six flags, we are trying to get this up and running for her term of office so that maybe, just maybe, we can get a dying chapter up and moving in a positive direction.  We've got some plans for some activities and some ideas that we hope will work to enliven the chapter.  YOUNG blood in the chapter will help!  At my age I'm one of the YOUNG people.

I haven't done much more to K's t-shirt quilt...I need a day when I can focus on it.  Doesn't look like that will be this week.  Friday is project day for Lockheed Blanketeers - I'm signed up to go but not sure I'm going to be able to.  I hate to miss - always have a nice time with the ladies.  BUT, thanks to Uncle Sam (SS), we are having to pull together documentation and go to the SS office to combat/appeal their decision to stop K's disability checks!  We didn't find out until today that they had decided to no longer pay him disability.  We called SS - they claim they sent letters but we did not respond.  We haven't seen any letters.  They claim he worked all year and earned way too much money.  He hasn't earned anything except for his little part-time work for the stadium, which amounts to hardly anything.

I went to endocrinologist yesterday - it was much like going to "medical confession."  I've been so bad for the past 3 months.  Got to get back on the right path.  Doc wanted me to go to HMR's office and get started with them.  I called their office...let me see, that will be $25 to $55 per week for the doctor supervision plus food.  So I said, in other words, $500-$600 per month?  The lady said yes.  I said I can't do that, it's too expensive.  She said, "it takes the place of your regular groceries."  To which I responded that since my husband still has to eat it doesn't take the place of anything!  And we don't spend $700-$800 a month for groceries (doc plus food).  I spend approximately $250 - $300 per month for groceries.  Anyway, that's not a consideration on our budget.

Guess that's about it - nuttin' excitin' happening at our place.

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