What a tough week. Lots of issues in the class and people issues as well. In my morning class the young lady with the 5 month old continues to bring the child in spite of the fact that she has been told every day (by the executive director, not by me) that she cannot bring the child. She keeps saying she needs to get a "referral for childcare." Well, unfortunately, she does not realize that we talk to the counselors at her center and that we know she has had a referral for the past two weeks. It all came to a head in the classroom on Friday because we could not get work done because I could not teach over the baby and no one was getting work done. She became angry with me when I indicated we needed to talk. She grabbed up the baby and the baby's diaper bag and bottle and left the room, going down the stairs and outside. But she left her stroller. I called a 10 minute break for the class and the director and I met in her office. Fortunately the young lady came back but walked into the exec office and approached me wanting to know why I had not spoken to her that morning when she came in (late, class had already begun), claimed I said hello to another lady who came in late and told her what page we were on and what exercise we were working on, etc. I apologized, because honestly it was an oversight on my part, I never knew I did it! We want ALL of the ladies in the class and want to do everything we can to keep them there. Our goal is to help them, but they cannot bring their children to class! Anyway, the director told her she cannot come back on Monday and bring the child. We'll see.
There are different issues with the afternoon class, but the counselors and I are working on those. What a mess! But I'm learning! It's a learning curve for all of us. Hopefully we will all adjust soon. I was so worn out every day that I went to bed immediately after dinner. I woke up every evening about 9:30 p.m., took meds, did a few things, and went back to bed. I guess this is going to be my life!

Today being Saturday, we needed to do something different - I needed a break. We left Fort Worth about 9 this morning headed to WinStar Casino in Thackerville, Oklahoma. We played for a bit, then ate at the wonderful buffet. Afterward we played a bit more (penny slot machines), then headed back south on I-35. We stopped at Sam Moon where I got a new purse, a new clip-on hair piece for those "bad hair days," and Ken got his usual new belt and wallet. I also purchased an eight dollar pink plastic band watch because the Minnie Mouse watch that I wear a lot stopped running (needs a new battery). I wear it because it has a large face with numbers I can see. The new pink one does, too. And besides, it's pink and I wanted it!!

I specifically stopped at Sam Moon to look for a conservative color purse to carry for work to look a bit more professional. But when we first entered the store this pretty hot pink purse spoke to me! I searched thru the stack and found it in a conservative silver grey with brown handles, but just could not make up my mind which I preferred. I carried both through the store believing I would be able to convince myself to purchase the conservative one. When we were going to head to check out we went back by the original purse area and I made myself put the pink one down. However, there was a lady standing there going through the purses and I laughingly told her of my dilemma. She told me at our age we should get the one that makes us happy! I took the pink one!!! Somewhere in this house I have a boring black or brown purse I can carry for work. I've been carrying my red Texas purse. It just does not go with everything, so I will change that out tomorrow and carry my pink one. Not that it will go with everything either, but I mentally ran thru my wardrobe when I was making the choice and decided it will be fine. (Have I ever said how much I HATE purses?!! I despise them!!! I normally don't carry one, except a wallet on a string.) Then we headed south again to Joe's Crab Shack where we had one of those wonderful steam pots for 2! Yummy. Crab legs, shrimp, sausage, corn on the cob, new potatoes. Very good. Then on to home.
I have worn a hole in the skin graft of the stump on my right foot again, so as usual when that happens I had to get out the foot soaking bucket and mix up some Epsom salt with warm water. I will have to wear the foot bandaged for the next couple of weeks while putting on the wound healing ointment and soaking it twice a day. I am SO tired of this. I just want to be able to walk like normal people wearing normal shoes and not live in constant fear that I will do something to cause the dang foot to rot off. Guess that's not going to happen.
That's about it. I'm so glad we went somewhere today. This has been one of those days when the longing to see my children and grandchildren has been to the point that I would have cried all day if I had stayed home. They mean the world to me.
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