What a SHITTY day this has been! And I mean that in the literal sense of the word!!! My God, I woke up, sat on the side of the bed to get my bearings before stepping up to head to the first potty of the day, and there it was...one of the dang dogs had pooped in the floor. So, got that cleaned up. Started toward kitchen and there staring at me was dog poop under the piano bench -- and I can tell who did it by the size...little girl Luci. So, got that cleaned up.
I couldn't have anything to eat or drink because I had to go have labs drawn today. So I went to the office and finished the section of PowerPoint training that was due today and got that turned in. Next on the agenda was a shower and head out on errands and to the lab.
So, took a shower, put on my drawers, headed through bedroom to the rocking chair, planning to put on same shorts worn previously because had not had them on but a couple of hours. Got them, padded back to the bathroom, looked down at my feet and I am covered with DOG POOP!!! I looked at the bottoms of my feet and they are covered, looked at the bedroom floor, rug in bedroom, and bathroom floor and it is smeared everywhere. Needless to say, I am screaming!!!! Ken came in, saw what was going on, I had to strip back down get back in the shower, and while I'm doing that he started cleaning floors. We are both pissed off big time because these damn dogs go outside 10,000 times per day!!! No excuse. And they are trained to a pad that is beside the back door as well. I was fit to be tied. Got out of the shower, got my undies back on, sat down on the bed while Ken is mopping/cleaning bathroom. I look down at my left foot and by damn there it is again. I had to clean it off and go get in the shower in the hall bathroom and clean up again.
Then I walked back through the den - have to pass the back of the love seat going to kitchen. I see one of the cats has either crapped, vomited, or peed on one of the towels I keep folded up there. I keep the towel there because they lay up there and I don't want them directly on the sofa or love seat. THIS IS NOT FUNNY, and I am ready to get rid of all animals.
Ken got the mess cleaned up, all floors cleaned/sanitized, dogs punished and thrown outside, and I was finally able to get clothes on. Ken headed to Office Depot to return cables that didn't work on his computer and I headed out to get errands done and get out of this house. Stopped by to see niece Peggy at subcourthouse. Gave her the completed afghan for great niece Katie Jo (her oldest daughter) and got her to sign as witness on the royalties paper from Chesapeake for the gas well in our neighborhood. If we're lucky we'll get a $1.00 - that's what our last check was.
Next I went by the post office and mailed the paperwork to Chesapeake along with a letter to Ladder Alliance volunteering for that organization. I also applied with Catholic Charities today - hoping for a paid position (software/IT), but also willing to volunteer with them. Ken signed up with them a week or so ago.
After the post office I headed to Quest Lab for blood draw and urinalysis. Tech had a tough time getting blood from right arm -- tried about 5 times, finally gave up and moved to the left arm and got it the first try. Yea! Usually it's the other way around.
From Quest I went to Omni Bank. This stupid bank...I've had an account with them for years -- nothing much in it at all. Have at the account since way back in 80's when it was the Carswell Credit Union. There has NEVER been much in it, just a pittance. Now there's even less because they started charging $3.00 per month unless we sign up for e-statements, or are 65 years old, or have x amount of $$ in the account (which we never will). So, I signed up for the e-statements. Doesn't matter to me, I already know there's nothing in that account. The only reason we have kept the silly account open all these years is because the branch is located close to the house and with an account there we can cash bonds and oddball checks (gifts, etc.) that come in from time to time -- saves us a trip to the other side of the metroplex to the credit union we truly use. While I'm there the young lady tells me that my ATM card is so old it will not longer work to withdraw funds. Ok, fine, I need a new one. So she tells me that I will get a new one (takes 7-10 days) but that in the near future there is going to be a monthly charge for using the card - something like $5.00. Then she tells me that I can avoid that charge if I sign up for a "simple" checking account. I didn't sign up for one - I figure when the time comes I'll finally shut down the stupid account and forget about it. The truth is, this little account has always been where I deposited the equivalent of my lunch money, skipping purchasing lunches and taking coke/crackers/something from home. I've always used that little stash to pay for my sewing machine purchases...$5, $10, or whatever...I never pay much for them and then overhaul them. Doesn't matter - I'll put the $$ in a sock (lol). Now that government bonds are handled electronically and no paper bonds are issued, we buy and sell bonds online anyway so don't need a branch close by to redeem bonds.
Headed home. Submitted a resume for a position with another place, looked at email, wasted time. Then Ken and I went to Rosa's for dinner -- cheap food and $1.49 frozen margaritas.
Praying tomorrow will be better. It just has to improve. If I step in dog crap tomorrow somebody in this house is going to get hurt!!!
In spite of it all, I enjoyed this rap flick today: One Minute Sermon
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